Rammstein - Eure Meinung ?


Original geschrieben von Rasheed
was ist an dem satz bescheuert

Das du mich damit "ausknocken" willst.

Hab mir 2 durchgelesen und liege noch nicht bewusstlos am Boden. Ist doch genau die gleiche Richtung wie Rammstein.


zum thema one hit wonder: es heißt ONE HIT wonder. EIN HIT. maximal kann man noch nen zweiten dranhängen. aber das war's dann auch schon. wenn du rammstein als one hit wonder bezeichnest rasheed, dann ist deine definition von dem begriff ganz einfach falsch.

und mos def wurde ja wohl mehr als genug gehyped von mtv und konsorten. und jetzt sag bitte nichit "wo denn", über den wurde zu MISS FAT BOOTY zeiten ständig berichtet.


Original geschrieben von TDeath

und mos def wurde ja wohl mehr als genug gehyped von mtv und konsorten.

wo denn?
wurde mos def jeden nachmittag mindestens 2 mal auf mtv oder viva gespielt? ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern
erhielt sein album fast jeden erdenklichen mtv award? ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern
wurde jemal ein all access, the diary of ... oder irgendeine andere sendung ausschließlich über ihn gebracht? ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern

scheint wohl so als hätte ich den mos def hype verschlafen, schade eigentlich, ich find ihn nämlich ganz gut.


Wild wild West
Wenn ihr mal "harte" Texte lesen wollt, dann hier 2 von Eazy-E.
Sollten damals beide als Morddrohungen gegen Dr.Dre und Snoop Dogg gelten die Lieder:rolleyes:

Hier Nummer 1 "It´s on"

Todays a good day to die! (lady screaming)
Bow wow wow yippie yo yeppie yah
Suck on these nuts nigga suck on these nuts
I tell em bow wow wow yippie yo yeppie yea
Suck on these nuts nigga suck on these nuts
Ain't nuthin but Eazy baby
He'll smoke two niggas cuz they crazy
Talk a gang of shit but it dont phase me
That punk nigga Dre still pays me

Well if it's on motherfucker then it's on G
Now if it's on motherfucker than its on G
Hey Mister prankster prankster
Story book gangster
Back in 86 you wore pumps and masscara
Down did the motherfuckin wreckin crew bid
But once a bitch always a bitch
And now the fuckin switch
Fag with a steathoscope now you sag
Body slammn bitches makes Dre a bigger man.
Cackies sportin loc's in a G ride
What set you from loc what set you from ride?
Rip Vanwinkle sleepin nigga woke up and became a G
But you still dont impress tha E-Z.
Smoke a little sherm now you call that shit the chronic
Niggas on the West side call it bionic
I make a mill here make a mill there
**** a bitch here **** a bitch there yeeeeah

(Chorus 2X)
*Scratched in* Tell ya motherfuckers who your fuckin with
[Eazy-E] Well if its on Motherfucker then its on

Old nigga Eazy-E went to the Cuppard
To get Snoop Doggy Dogg a bone motherfucker.
Another G or should I say a H, a I, a J, a K, a L-M-N-O-P
P for the pussy wussy wuffin nigga broke
As a motherfuckin joke
Talkin about you want to smoke tha E to tha A-Z-Y
Nigga this EAST SIDE Snoop Doggy Doggy Dogg you wanna try
187 on the E that ya sing
But you cling on my balls when I swing my ding-a-ling
Yeah you got more just like a pint of puppy water
First I'm gonna choke ya Then I smoke ya
Then I'm gonna toss ya in the back of my trunk
With the other punk
Smoking Death Row like I smoke a Phillie Blunt
Well if it's on motherfucker than its on G
If it's on motherfucker than it's on G

(Chorus 2X)

Still a nigga,
Once a nigga
Always a nigga
Down from the get go
Never let go
Never flossin
Never slippin
Never trippin
Stickin dick and my balls down your throat doggy listen
Niggaz from the LBC
They never heard of ya G
and Niggas from the CPT aint down with D-R-E
But ya gave it up,
Still like a trooper
Let 'em play ya jam shake ya hand and then they shoot ya
You can fool the people on the east coast an the mid-west
But In LA you still cant pass the test
See I can tell a pussy when I see one
Dre wearing lip stick that mean ya have to be one
You need to change your sex and your occupation
You try to **** with E nigga Run Run Run
Cause if it's on motherfucker then its on G
Now if its on motherfucker then its on G

(Chorus 4X)

Und hier Nummer 2 "Real muthaphukkin G´z"

Real muthafuckin G's...
Real muthafuckin G's...
Real muthafuckin G's...
Real muthafuckin G's...

Hey Yo doctor, here's another proper track
and it's phat, watch the sniper, time to pay the piper
and let that real shit provoke, so you's a wanna be 'loc
and you'll get smoked and i hope that yer fans understand
when ya talk about sprayin me, the same records that ya
makin' is payin me
Motherfuck Dre
Motherfuck Snoop
Motherfuck Death Row
yo and here comes my left blow
'cuz i'm the E-A-Z-Y-E, and this is the season
to let the Real motherfuckin G's in, ya like a kid ya
found a pup and now yer dapper, but tell me where the
**** ya found an anorexic rapper
talkin 'bout who ya go squabble with and who ya shoot
you're only 60 pounds when yer wet and wearin boots

Gansta Dresta:
damn E, they tried to fade you on Dre Day

But Dre Day only meant Eazy's pay day
all of a sudden Dr Dre is a G thang, but on his
old album covers he was a she thang
so Nigga please, Nigga please don't step to deez
motherfuckin' Real G's

Yo Dre, whassup? *bang*
man you should of known by now...
Yo Dre, whassup? *bang*
man you should of known by now...

Gangsta Dresta:
Everyday its a new rapper, claimin to be dapper then
the Dresta, softer then a bitch but portrayed the roll
gangster, ain't broke a law in yer life, yet every time you rap
you yap about the guns and knifes, just take a good look
at the Nigga, and you'll capture the fact, that the bastard is
simply just an actor, who mastered the bang and the slang
and the Mental, of Niggaz in Compton, wattz, and South Central
never ever once have you ran with the turf, yet in every verse you
claim you used to do the dirt, but tell me who's a witness
to your fuckin work, see ya never had no buiness, so
save the drama jerk, Niggaz straight kill me
knowin that they pranksters, this is going out to
you studio gangsters,see i did dirt, put in work, and
many Niggaz can vouch that, so since i got stripes
i got the right to rap about that, but Niggaz like you
i gotta hate ya, cos i'm just tired of Suburbian Niggaz talkin about
they comin from projects
knowin ya ain't seen the parts of the streets G
think ya started tryin to bang around the time of the peace treaty
wearin khackis and mob while ya rhyme, little fag
try to sag, but ya flooding at the same time,
and your set don't accecpt ya, so ya scared to kick it with yer homies
'cuz ya know they don't respect ya, So Nigga please check
nuts before ya step to deez, motherfuckin Real G's

(BG Knockout)
Well, it the Knock Out, definition orginal baby gangster
approach me like you hard, motherfucker i'ma bank ya
shank ya, with my fuckin shank, if i havta
Dr Dre and Snoop Dogy Dogg are fuckin actors
pranksters, studio gangsters, busters
but this time yer dealin with some real motherfuckers
G's, Nigga please, don't try to step
because if ya do, then a pill cap is all that would be left
see, young Niggaz like me, will break ya off somethin,
claimin my city, but Dre you ain't from Compton
Niggaz like ya'll is what i call Wanna be's it aint shit compared
to Real Motherfuckin' G's

poppin on this track, we ruthless
Yo Dre, wassup *bang*

I never met an OG who never did shit wrong
ya tried to dis the Eazy-E so now Nigga it's on you
and ya Doggy Dogg, think yer all honk and shit
both of you bitches, can come and suck my Doggy dick
beatin a bitch don't make ya shit, but then again some Niggaz
think it makes a man, Damn it's a trip
how a Nigga could switch so quick from wearin lipstick
to smokin on Chronic at picnics, and now ya think yer bigga
but to me you ain't nothin but a bitch ass Nigga
that ain't worth a food stamp, and at
Death Row, i hear yer gettin treated like Boot camp
gotta follow yer seargents directions, or get yer ass
pumped with a Smith and Wesson, learn a lesson from the Eaz
Stay in your place and don't step to Real motherfuckin G's

Yo Dre, Whassup? *bang*
dre should have known by now..
Yo Dre (whassup?) *Bang*
dre should have known by now...
Yo Dre (whassup)*bang*
dre should have known by now, Eazy duz it....



und DER ist erst hart, ey, Alder!

Weird Al Yankovic
amish paradise

As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool
And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
I've churned butter once or twice
Living in an Amish paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice
Living in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price
Living in an Amish paradise

A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
I just smiled at him and turned the other cheek
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell
But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved
An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of
I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
And my homies all I agree I look good in black... fool
If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
We're just technologically impaired

There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
Not a single luxury
Like Robinson Caruso
It's as primitave as can be

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're just plain and simple guys
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no time for sin and vice
Living in an Amish paradise
We don't fight, we all play nice
Living in an Amish paradise

Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another
Think you're really rightous? Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife
So don't be vain and don't be whiny
Or else, my brother, I might just have to get medieval on your heinie

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're all crazy Mennonites
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no cops or traffic lights
Living in an Amish paradise
But you'd probably think it bites
Living in an Amish paradise

boahh ey, krass!



da wird sich ic youngster aber bestimmt ordentlich ins hemd machen, so hart wie der text ist...

btw, ist eigentlich schon geklärt was ein ic ist?


ein ic ist eigentlich ein integrated circuit, also ein integrierter schaltkreis. ist im normalfall so ein kleiner schwarzer "chip", naja kein richtiger chip, aber sieht so ähnlich aus.

was ein "höherer ic" ist weiß ich dann nicht genau, vielleicht ein ic höherer ordnung.
abgesehen davon hat jeder jede menge ics in allen möglichen elektrogeräten.
und was die ics eines menschen über seine intelligenz sagen könnten, keine ahnung. :confused:


GTown, Germany
krass, wusste garnicht das weird al yankovich noch mehr songs hat außer "I'm fat" von michael jackoson gecoverd.-...haha

btw. mal ne frage, aber ihr habt immer noch nicht verstanden was ich mit harten texten meinte oder? da ging es nur ums MUSIKALISCHE und nicht um den inhalt!


Original geschrieben von Rasheed
krass, wusste garnicht das weird al yankovich noch mehr songs hat außer "I'm fat" von michael jackoson gecoverd.-...haha

btw. mal ne frage, aber ihr habt immer noch nicht verstanden was ich mit harten texten meinte oder? da ging es nur ums MUSIKALISCHE und nicht um den inhalt!

klär uns unwissende mal auf.. gehts um harte musik oder um harte texte oder um harte musikalische texte oder was??

ich tu mich im moment auch ein wenig schwer, dir zu folgen.


Original geschrieben von Rasheed
krass, wusste garnicht das weird al yankovich noch mehr songs hat außer "I'm fat" von michael jackoson gecoverd.-...haha

btw. mal ne frage, aber ihr habt immer noch nicht verstanden was ich mit harten texten meinte oder? da ging es nur ums MUSIKALISCHE und nicht um den inhalt!

klär uns unwissende mal auf.. gehts um harte musik oder um harte texte oder um harte musikalische texte oder was??

ich tu mich im moment auch ein wenig schwer, dir zu folgen.

Doganlar II

Nunja, er will wohl einfach sagen, dass es einen Musikstil gibt, der sich Hardcore nennt. Er meinte nichts davon, dass die Texte sonderbar "hardcore" sein sollen.


GTown, Germany
Original geschrieben von Doganlar II
Nunja, er will wohl einfach sagen, dass es einen Musikstil gibt, der sich Hardcore nennt. Er meinte nichts davon, dass die Texte sonderbar "hardcore" sein sollen.

danke doganlar...genau das meine ich...

und es lohnt sich das mal anzuhören...war am wochenende bei uns inna stadt bei "not as mine" nen newcomer aber sowas von geil...dann waren noch da bekannte bands wie "traitor like judas" , "self conquest" und "shortage"...und letzteres hat wirklich den vogel abgeschossen...ihre alben waren nie wirklich die wucht, aber was die jungs da live geboten haben...HAMMER!


Findest denn mittlerweile deine Aussage "ich kann dich mit hardcore texten oder mit "rap" texten ausknocken" wenigstens auch lächerlich ?