Mike Tyson - News, Fakten und Gerüchte


alles andere als ein sofortiges rematch währe eine farce

dann sollte er lieber aufhören was bringt ihn das ständige aufbau gegner training gar nichts , ausser das es seinen geldbeutel fühlt , leute das hat nichts mehr aber auch gar nichts mit aufbauen zu tun . tyson ist shot , er ist drausen , fertig flasche leer -.

bitte schickt ihn der näöchste gegner in die rente moli und co. haut ihn in die fresse aber schnell erste runde voll ko. ende .

ein sehr verbitterter tyson fan :mad:

tyson du ********* , du faule sau , du riesen depp , wie kann man nur so ein talent so wegschmeissen. dir gehören die arme abgehackt und schluss .
so was blödes . ich krieg mich nicht mehr :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:


Ganz ehrlich hab ich überhaupt nichts dagegen wenn er zuerst 2 Kämpfe gegen schlechtere Gegner absolviert, um sein Ringrost abzuschütteln, wieder fit zu werden und wieder selbstvertrauen zu bekommen. Nur dann sollte er bitte auch mindestens 3 mal noch in diesem jahr boxen sonst packt er es nicht mehr! Jetzt darf er sich keine lange Pausen mehr erlauben! Er sagt zwar dass er wirklich wieder boxen WILL aber ich hoffe das stimmt auch!


Tobi.G schrieb:
Ganz ehrlich hab ich überhaupt nichts dagegen wenn er zuerst 2 Kämpfe gegen schlechtere Gegner absolviert, um sein Ringrost abzuschütteln, wieder fit zu werden und wieder selbstvertrauen zu bekommen. Nur dann sollte er bitte auch mindestens 3 mal noch in diesem jahr boxen sonst packt er es nicht mehr! Jetzt darf er sich keine lange Pausen mehr erlauben! Er sagt zwar dass er wirklich wieder boxen WILL aber ich hoffe das stimmt auch!

man o man wie oft hat er das schon gesagt wieviele comebacks und wieviele jahre schon ,

sol ich es dir sagen , dann kannst du dir deine eigene meinung darüber bilden
seit 1997 nach dem holyfield kampf , und comebacks wahren es bestimmt 5 und jedes mal das gleiche geschwätzt , erst mal ein paar leichte gegner und dann ja dann gehts wieder auf :gitche: man welcher idiot glaubt das den noch . das ist doch schon langsam zum :kotz:
wird dieses mal das gleiche wirst sehen . im juni juli einen kampf und das wahrs dann für dieses jahr , natürlich wird noch einer geplant , aber durch irgend einer hirnriesigen action oder ausrede wird der kampf verschoben oder gar abgesagt , und dann kommt nächstes jahr noch mal irgend eine lachnummer ( kampf) und dann vielleicht ende 2006 ein weltmeister kampf zwischen vitali klitschko , und da wird er in rente geschickt, (verdammt das ich das mal sage) :cry: , wenn nicht nochmal ein comeback kommt :jubel: :wall: und irgend wann dann gibts gefägnis todesstrafe oder er wird erschossen . ende .



Bad Iron Mike Tyson , endet als jüngster schwergewichts weltmeister und bösester mensch auf erden im dreck . er wurde gestern nacht von einem unbekannten täter in den kopf geschossen und blieb im dreck der strasse liegen . experten meinungen :
vitali klitschko , es ist schade das es so endete mit einem mittelmässigen boxer der wo massen begeisterte mit seiner riesen show.
Bild Meint er ist wieder zuhause . :idiot:


cus schrieb:
alles andere als ein sofortiges rematch währe eine farce

dann sollte er lieber aufhören was bringt ihn das ständige aufbau gegner training gar nichts , ausser das es seinen geldbeutel fühlt , leute das hat nichts mehr aber auch gar nichts mit aufbauen zu tun . tyson ist shot , er ist drausen , fertig flasche leer -.

bitte schickt ihn der näöchste gegner in die rente moli und co. haut ihn in die fresse aber schnell erste runde voll ko. ende .

ein sehr verbitterter tyson fan :mad:

tyson du ********* , du faule sau , du riesen depp , wie kann man nur so ein talent so wegschmeissen. dir gehören die arme abgehackt und schluss .
so was blödes . ich krieg mich nicht mehr :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

nicht tyson sondern dein beitrag ist shot! was bringt es gleich nen großen kampf zu machen!?



hinterschmiding / nd.bayern
cus schrieb:
... man o man wie oft hat er das schon gesagt wieviele comebacks und wieviele jahre schon ...
Auch wenn die "Exaltiertheit des Ausdrucks" ( :D ) nicht unbedingt meinen Geschmack trifft, so muß ich doch feststellen, das Kollege cus im vorliegenden Fall eines der wenigen brauchbaren postings in dem gesamten thread erstellt hat ! :thumb: Aber Du rennst gegen Windmühlen an , verehrter Kollege - also gib's auf ... ;)


tullipan schrieb:
Auch wenn die "Exaltiertheit des Ausdrucks" ( :D ) nicht unbedingt meinen Geschmack trifft, so muß ich doch feststellen, das Kollege cus im vorliegenden Fall eines der wenigen brauchbaren postings in dem gesamten thread erstellt hat ! :thumb: Aber Du rennst gegen Windmühlen an , verehrter Kollege - also gib's auf ... ;)

genau lasst es doch sein ! :idiot: wenn tyson den nächsten kampf verlieren sollte können wir weiterreden! :belehr: :wavey:



vbcompany schrieb:
genau lasst es doch sein ! :idiot: wenn tyson den nächsten kampf verlieren sollte können wir weiterreden! :belehr: :wavey:


da wird man schon für sorgen das er seinen nächsten kampf nicht verliert, 100%tig!! die werden ihm eine flasche vorsetzten und dies als aufbaukampf verkaufen...denn eine weitere niederlage und tyson wäre entgültig wieder in der gosse angekommen. er braucht den sieg, er braucht noch viele siege um aus dem finanziellen desaster wieder herauszukommen, in welchem er sich befindet. da stehen zum einen die gläubiger die ihre kohle wollen und einen tyson mit sicherheit nicht nochmal verlieren sehen wollen, zum anderen mike selbst, der die kohle braucht, sein managment. also eine weitere niederlage und tyson könnte sich erschießen PUNKT!!!!


Bob Arum has a renewed interest in promoting Mike Tyson, who plans to resume training this week in Phoenix for another comeback.

"You will see me fight again," Tyson said Friday night while sitting at ringside with Arum at Fort McDowell Casino.

Arum has had ongoing talks with Tyson, who repeated his plans Saturday night during the HBO telecast of Bernard Hopkins' 20th defense of his middleweight title.

"We spoke while he was in Florida," Arum said of the ex-heavyweight champ, who was at trainer Buddy McGirt's gym in Vero Beach, Fla.

It's not clear who will work with him at Central Boxing on west Van Buren Street. Freddie Roach is getting Manny Pacquiao ready for Erik Morales on March 19.

Arum had an $80 million deal for three fights before Danny Williams' upset of Tyson last summer knocked it off the table.

Since Tyson's knee surgery, there have been the usual mixed messages and controversy. It wouldn't be Tyson without them.

He said in New York he wasn't sure he wanted to fight again. He was alleged to have jumped onto the hood of a car outside of a Scottsdale nightclub. Friday night, he was relaxed, friendly and looked to be close to his fighting weight.

Arum is approaching Tyson the only way anybody ever can:

With caution.

Yet, he remains intrigued by a 38-year-old who never seems to run out of chances.

"We'll see," Arum said. "First of all, it's important for him to get his confidence back. Put him in two or three fights to restore confidence that he can beat anybody. Take him abroad. Put him on free TV. Don't ask people to pay big money the first few times out. That just would make everybody mad."

After Williams, Arum offered to promote Tyson back up through ranks in the humble style that regained a heavyweight title for a 45-year-old George Foreman.

Tyson wasn't interested. Yet, he still needs to fight his way out of bankruptcy, which he declared a year ago. Therein rests a dangerous dilemma.

After Tyson absorbed a succession of brain-rocking punches from Williams, Roach said all the money in the world isn't worth much if you can't count it.

In a ringside seat and in the gym, Tyson always looks as if he can still fight. Only in his mind, however, will anybody ever know whether he really wants to. It's a huge gamble, but maybe Arum has calculated it's still one worth taking."



by Paul Upham: While not exactly surprising, Mike Tyson appears to be headed back to the competitive boxing ring sooner rather than later. At a closed training session on Sunday at his hotel in Los Angeles in the USA, those present claim the former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world looked in awesome punching form.

"Mike was working on the pads and he can still punch," said WBC Interim super middleweight champion Danny Green, who watched the workout. "I can see why fighters were so intimidated by his power. It's all natural."

The now 38 year-old Tyson 50-5 (44), 2 NC has not fought since his July 30, 2004 stoppage loss to Danny Williams, during which he suffered a serious injury to his left knee, which required surgery.

When interviewed on Saturday night, Tyson said that he has been back training in Phoenix. "Mike Tyson has just been healing his knee and it has recovered and I'm just ready to participate in prize fighting again," he said. "In two weeks I'll start going back to the boxing gym and working on my skills. I'm just looking forward to fighting, probably some time in May or June, starting back out with easier fights."

Source: secondsout



By Jason Petock:
Word has it that a legendary fighter who struck terror in the fragile hearts of his opponents and was once a Showtime network regular, may resurface on the boxing scene sometime in the coming months. This man's reign was the tale that was told across the nations and beyond. During his take over and dominance of the sport of boxing, no foe stood in his way and his path was one destined for fame and glory. He achieved recognition and notoriety in his career, and his name will echo in the halls of boxing's elite for centuries to come. This once luminous talent who had the world in his grasp at one point is apparently on the comeback trail once more for one final chance at bat. The mere mention of the name "Iron" Mike Tyson conjures up a variety of emotions in us all from fear, to respect, to hope, to despair and even to loathing in some.

Time is a master of cruel jokes and is well known for waiting for no one. In Tyson's case, time was definitely on his side as a youth, but has been slipping away from him since his legal battles and untimely incarceration years ago. The man is the most discussed, most criticized and most publicized sports figure and boxer of modern times. The media hangs on his every breath and lies in wait, hoping for the next big catastrophe of news story involving Mike Tyson with an almost undeniable bloodlust at times. There are even detractors of the boxer whose sole intention is to block any shred of decency or positive characteristic that may surface of shine through Tyson's demeanor or attitude. He is an icon to some of us and a train wreck to others. However you feel about Mike Tyson, you can't help, but acknowledge his sheer impact on boxing, even in defeat and hardship.

More quotes available in the extended section of this post (click 'Read More' below).

I can recall quite vividly as if it were yesterday where I was when Lennox Lewis stood in the ring, beating his chest over the man I had always admired and respected regardless of his shortcomings or faults in life. An acquaintance of mine had invited me, my girlfriend and a few of our friends to view the bout at his house and I graciously accepted. In the past I usually declined to watch fights with others because once the alcohol started flowing freely the voices started to elevate and I couldn't hear the fight or the commentary. It would be virtually impossible to relate this to a non-boxing pundit, seeing as most of the fair weather fans that I have known have very little knowledge, appreciation or general interest in the sport in actuality. Their interest usually extends to the flash of a fighters nickname or the sequins on his trunks in most cases I've found.

The thing I remember most as I saw Mike Tyson sprawled out on the canvas was the jubilation and ranting among many in the house. Through the fight there were two women who were far from three sheets to the wind, but who felt the need and desire to scream repeatedly, "Rapist! Rapist! Kill him Lewis!" and various other outbursts similar to that effect the entire evening. I sat quietly in disappointment and muted tongue as I wondered to myself if this truly was the end for Tyson and if so why did I have to witness it in this fashion?

To many the defeat of Mike Tyson by both Lennox Lewis and Danny Williams served as both the beginning of the end for him and his eulogy at the same time. But for those of us who support him it was more of a wake up call. It was a true realization that maybe not everything is as it seems and that boxing has changed dramatically since the imagined reincarnation of Jack Dempsey shocked us all in the arrival and form of a young Tyson in his prime.

I read a really solid interview with Buddy McGirt that informed me that Mike may return on the scene in the future. However, I don't believe everything that I read (especially if it's on the internet - present site excluded of course) and my highly acute skepticism tends to get the better of me all too often. I truly hope in my heart that he does something soon, because the Heavyweight division needs cleaning up in a major way and I believe he's just the man to do it. His actual return (with intense rededication and focus) to the boxing ranks would be just the kick in the pants that boxing needs these days.

Now I know what you're thinking and I don't necessarily blame you. You're probably saying to yourself and anyone who will listen, "Sure, we've heard this malarkey before too many times. Your boy is washed up, old news and a has-been." You're not only entitled to that opinion, but probably not alone in your viewpoints. I've been reading that same negativity about Mike Tyson for as long as I can remember so feel free to continue, because as you are most likely well aware it is a free country. Deep down (call me delusional if you must) I think he has another window of opportunity here. It is an extremely limited and rather narrow window, but it does exist. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws or being an eternal optimist when it comes to Tyson, but I believe there's something still there. There has to be.

Those of us who have a fair understanding or concept of the mechanics of boxing also know that "Iron" Mike Tyson still has all the tools and capabilities in his arsenal to still be successful in the sport. Granted, Father Time has stolen several of his finest years, but his gifts have never left him. As a youth Mike was an encyclopedia of boxing history and fact and as his new trainer Buddy McGirt has suggested accurately, "Mike Tyson is Cus D'Amato's masterpiece. Mike is extremely gifted and it's incredible to watch him." If Tyson can get his mind right, there is no doubt that he will reign supreme once more in the sport that he ruled in so long ago. I am still rooting for him and his glorious return and if enough of us believe in him I'm positive that there is nothing he can't accomplish. This isn't a pipe dream here or delirium, it's a solid request for a rightful monarch to return to his honorary throne and place in history.

It is also really a relief to see all of Mike's entourage absent from his life. It appears that Mike Tyson has returned to the Mike of old and is trying to rekindle that sensational fire he once possessed. I've read numerous times that several people feel that Tyson was only recently humbled because of his losses and bankruptcy. Now I don't know the man personally or claim to. I've never had the honor of meeting him in person. But I feel confident in estimating that the humility and gentleness that the world saw Mike Tyson express was genuine, just as his public outbursts of rage and frustration were. Few if any have heartfelt sympathy for the man and that's their right I suppose, no one can tell you who you can or can't care about in this world. But who among them, among us have walked a mile let alone a one foot in the shoes of the "Mighty" Mike Tyson (as he was also dubbed early in his career for a short time)? How many of us have experienced such betrayal and deepening loss, or had everything and then nothing? Who of us have walked onto the blood stained canvas, vulnerable and on display for the world to dissect piece by piece, and waged battle against giants of men as a boy? What right do we have to condemn or berate such a warrior? None.

Source: ringsidereport


ist das jetzt ein english forum oder was ?? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

und was erzählt tyson den da für einen schmarn von wegen er wird jetzt erst mal einen leichteren gegner boxen , williams wahr doch auch ein leichter ??


cus schrieb:
ist das jetzt ein english forum oder was ?? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

und was erzählt tyson den da für einen schmarn von wegen er wird jetzt erst mal einen leichteren gegner boxen , williams wahr doch auch ein leichter ??

tja, cus, tyson kommt aus america! kaum einer will in america news von anderen boxern sehen, nur von tyson! in america gibt es die meisten themen über ihn! alle erwarten das er jetzt gegen nen top ten man boxt und das meint er :wavey:
