GM-a-Team 2014 - Roster & Infos der Teams


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Excel Roster Sheets von 28sinan

In den folgenden Links werdet ihr zu google-docs weitergeleitet wo ihr Excel-Sheets findet, in denen ihr euer Teamsalary ausrechnen lassen könnt. Ihr müsst dort neben euren Playersalaries auch die Cap Holds und Traded Player Exceptions angeben.


!!!Achtung im folgenden Excel-Sheet haben alle Teams ihren eigenen Tab und ihr solltet auch nur den Tab eures eigenen Teams bearbeiten! Achtet also drauf welcher Tab ausgewählt ist!!!

Alle Teams


Regeln des Roster-Threads

  1. Jeder aktive GM muss hier einen Post von seinem aktuellen Team anfertigen!
  2. Pro Team darf hier nur 1 Post existieren!
  3. Die Team-Informationen müssen vollständig und aktuell sein (siehe Liste unten), damit der GM des Teams Traden und Free Agents Signen kann!
  4. Die Reihenfolge der Liste der Team-Informationen muss eingehalten werden, damit jeder sich schnell zurechtfindet beim durchschauen.
  5. Die Gestaltung (aber nicht die Reihenfolge) kann vom unten angegebenen Muster abweichen, muss aber übersichtlich sein, ansonsten bekommt man einen Hinweis oder eine Zwangsänderung vom Spielleiter.
  6. Wer mit dem Editieren der Beiträge (insb. dem Teamlogo oder Tabellen) nicht zurechtkommt, kann den Spielleiter Alley auch um Hilfe bitten! ;)

Reihenfolge der aufzulistenden Team-Informationen

  • Überschrift: Teamlogo, z.B. von der + Teamname
  • Angabe des General Managers (also euer Username) + euer Status in Klammern (falls ihr z.B. im Urlaub nicht zu erreichen seid! (mit Datum der Wiederkehr))
  • Angabe des aktuellen Coaches (zu erfahren bei:
  • Depth Chart (Zur eigenen Übersicht und der mögl. Tradepartner)
  • GM-Notizen (falls ihr z.B. möglichen Trade-Partnern gewisse Vorinformationen zukommen lassen wollt)
  • Aktuelle Payroll des Teams in einer Tabelle/Auflistung (zu erfahren bei:
  • Aktuelle Cap Holds (2014/15) des Teams in einer Tabelle/Auflistung (zu erfahren bei:
  • Total Salary inklusive Cap Holds (auch von
  • Eigene Restricted Free Agents 2014 (zu erfahren auf:
  • Eigene Unrestricted Free Agents 2014 (zu erfahren auf:
  • Eigene Unsigned Draft Picks (zu erfahren auf:
  • Future Draft Picks 2015-2019 (zu erfahren auf:
  • Noch vorhandene Trade Exceptions (zu erfahren auf:
  • Status der Salary Cap Exceptions für 2014/15 (editiert der Spielleiter)
  • Neuzugänge/Abgänge 2014/15 (Spieler/Coach/Draft Picks)
  • Transactions Log (dokumentiert mit Datum alles was ihr am Team verändert habt)

*Die letzten 2 Stichpunkte (Neuzugänge/Abgänge + Transactions Log) sollen eine schnelle Einsicht über die Leistungen des GMs geben.

*Wenn euch noch etwas Relevantes einfällt, dann weisst mich bitte darauf hin, danke!


Folgendes Muster könnt ihr euch über die Zitatfunktion herauskopieren und als Vorlage nutzen.

Ihr könnt es formal umgestalten, solange eine gute Übersicht gewährleistet ist.

Die Reihenfolge der Teaminformationen muss aber eingehalten werden!

Boston Celtics

General Manager: User X (evtl. Status: Im Urlaub bis XX.XX.XXXX)
Coach: Vorname Nachnahme

Depth Chart

PG: Player X / Player Y / Player Z
SG: Player X / Player Y / Player Z
SF: Player X / Player Y / Player Z
PF: Player X / Player Y / Player Z
C: Player X / Player Y / Player Z


Z.B. Vorinformationen für mögliche Tradepartner:
Ich könnte einen 3&D Spieler für SF gebrauchen.
Suche vorwiegend Draft Picks und Talente.
Oder: Spieler X ist so gut wie untouchable.
(Der Sinn eines richtigen Trading-Block ist fraglich, da vermutlich fast jeder Spieler für den richtigen Preis zu haben ist, aber gewisse Vorinformationen könnten die bei euch ankommenden Tradeangebote von vornerein für euch interessanter machen!)
Ansonsten könnten an der Stelle auch sonstige kurze spielrelevante Informationen über euer Team stehen, die ihr der Öffentlichkeit unbedingt Mitteilen wollt. Aber bitte der Übersicht halber nicht die gesamte Teamgeschichte!

Spieler X$12,000,000$12,000,000$12,000,000$12,000,000
Spieler Y$9,000,000$9,000,000$9,000,000
Spieler Z$7,000,000$7,000,000$7,000,000
Spieler A$1,500,000$1,875,000
Spieler B*$1,000,000
Total Salaries$xx,xxx,xxx
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15

Player X - $9,000,000
Player Y - $8,000,000
Player Z - $7,000,000
Total Cap Holds - $xx,xxx,xxx

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $xx,xxx,xxx
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $xx,xxx,xxx
Difference: +/- $xx,xxx,xxx (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Player X
Player Y
Player Z

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Player X
Player Y
Player Z

Unsigned Draft Picks

Player X
Player Y
Player Z

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round

Trade Exceptions

TPE PlayerX-Deal $9,000,000

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Hier wird der Spielleiter nur notieren welche Salary Cap Exceptions schon genutzt wurden.

Neuzugänge 2014/15

Player X (Signed with Capspace)
Player Y (Signed with XY-Exception)
Player Z (Traded)
Draft Pick 2015 1st Round

Abgänge 2014/15

Player X (Unrestricted Free Agent)
Player Y (Restricted Free Agent)
Player Z (Traded)
Player Z (Waived)
Draft Pick 2016 1st Round (Top10 Protected)

Transactions Log

*Immer mit Datum, damit ich sehe wie lange die letzte Aktivität her ist.

Date - Drafted Player X (1st Round)
Date - Drafted Player Y (2nd Round)
Date - Fired Coach X
Date - Hired Coach Y
Date - Signed Free Agent X
Date - Traded Player X against Player Y from Team Z.
Date - Waived Player X
Date - Used Amnesty Provision on Player X
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Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma City Thunder


General Manager: Irenicus
Coach: Scott Brooks

Depth Chart:

PG - Russell Westbrook, Reggie Jackson, (Derek Fisher), (Spencer Dinwiddie)
SG - Iman Shumpert, Derek Fisher, (John Salmons), (Kyle Singler), Spencer Dinwiddie
SF - Kevin Durant, Johnn Salmons, Kyle Singler, Andre Roberson
PF - Serge Ibaka, Nick Collison, (Kevin Durant), Grant Jerrett
C - Tyson Chandler, Steven Adams, (Ibaka), (Collison)


Kevin Durant$18.995.624$20.158.622
Russell Westbrook$15.719.062 $16.744.218$17.769.374
Serge Ibaka$12.350.000 $12.350.000$12.350.000
Tyson Chandler$14.598.888
Nick Collison$2.242.003
Iman Shumpert$2.616.975$3.695.169
Steven Adams$2,184,960 $2.279.040$3.140.517
Reggie Jackson$2.204.370 $7.250.000,00$7.500.000,00$7.750.000,00$8.000.000,00
Andre Roberson$1.160.880$1.210.800$2.183.072
Grant Jerrett$816.482
Spencer Dinwiddie$930.500$972.300$1.014.200$1.829.616,8
Kyle Singler $1.090.000$1.362.500
Derek Fisher$915.243,00
John Salmons$915.243,00
Total Salary$76.740.230$60.964.980$43.957.163$9.579.617$8.000.000

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Thabo Sefolosha (caphold: $7,410,000)
Caron Butler (caphold: $1,200,000)
Derek Fisher (caphold: $915,243 )

Future Draft Picks

Year1st Round2nd Round
2017ThunderThunder, Memphis (Top 35 protected)

Traded Player Exceptions

1) Kevin Martin TPE (Höhe: $6,500,000)
2) Ryan Gomes TPE (Höhe $884,293)

abgeschlossene Trades/Transaktionen

1.5.2014 - Milwaukee Bucks traded Bucks' 2014 2nd Round Pick and Raptors' 2014 2nd Round Pick to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Thunder's 2014 1st Round Pick and Thunder's 2015 2nd Round Pick.
Oklahoma City Thunder exercised the third-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Andre Roberson.
Oklahoma City Thunder exercised the third-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Steven Adams.

3.5.2014 - New York Knicks traded Tyson Chandler and Iman Shumpert to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Kendrick Perkins, Jeremy Lamb, Perry Jones, Hasheem Thabeet, Bucks' 2014 2nd Round Pick and Raptors' 2014 2nd Round Pick.

4.5.2014 - Oklahoma City Thunder traded Mavericks' 2014 1st Round Pick to the Phoenix Suns for Pacers' 2014 1st Round Pick, Suns' 2014 2nd Round Pick and Suns' 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 45 protected in 2016, else unprotected).

11.5.2014 - Oklahoma City Thunder traded the draft rights of Bogdan Bogdanovic to the Orlando Magic for Magic's 2015 2nd Round Pick and Magic's 2016 2nd Round Pick (Top 50 protected).

15.5.2014 - Oklahoma City Thunder signed their 2014 1st Round Pick (#27) Spencer Dinwiddie.

20.5.2014 - Oklahoma City Thunder negotiated a 30.5 million $ contract extension over four years with Reggie Jackson.
Oklahoma City Thunder re-signed Derek Fisher to a one-year veteran minimum contract.
Oklahoma City Thunder re-signed Derek Fisher to a one-year veteran minimum contract.

26.5.2014 - Detroit Pistons traded Kyle Singler to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Magic's 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 40 protected, extinguished thereafter) and Suns' 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 45 protected, unprotected in 2017).


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Orlando Magic

Anhang anzeigen 6924

General Manager: SHMC
Coach: Jacque Vaughn

Depth Chart

PG: G. Hill / P. Prigioni / N. Nedovic
SG: G. Dragic / J. Jones / K. Bogans
SF: D. Carroll / M. World Peace / L. Datome
PF: P. Patterson / T. Harris / T. Booker
C: J. Embiid / E. Okafor / J. Harrellson




G. Hill8.000.0008.000.0008.000.000
G. Dragic7.500.0007.500.000
L. Datome1.750.0002.187.500
K. Bogans915.243
D. Carroll
M. W. Peace
J. Embiid4.592.2004.798.9005.005.5006.311.9368.205.516
N. Nedovic1.104.2401.151.7602.078.9273.118.390
J. Jones2.800.000
P. Patterson5.387.0005.629.4155.871.8306.114.245
T. Booker
J. Harrellson948.163
E. Okafor3.666.0003.830.9703.995.940*
P. Prigioni
G. Davis*6.600.000
Total Salary

Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * nicht im Kader

* Letzte Vertragsjahr von Okafor ist nur mit $1.500.000 garantiert

Cap Holds 2014/15

Total Cap Holds -

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $49,874,127
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $xx,xxx,xxx
Difference: +/- $xx,xxx,xxx (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014


Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

E. Moore

Unsigned Draft Picks

Ramon van der Hare (52nd pick, 2003)
Fran Vazquez (11th pick, 2005)
Milovan Rakovic (60th pick, 2007)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2016MagicMagic (only if 31 - 40)
2017Magic* (only if 1-9)Magic (only if 31 - 40)
Warriors* (Top 10 Protected)

* Warriors 2019 1st Round
(Top 10 Protected. If the Warriors have not conveyed the first round pick in 2019, the the Warriors will instead convey their 2019 2nd round pick and 2020 2nd round pick to Orlando)

* Magic 2017 1st Round
To Indiana Pacers (Top 10 protected in 2017, Top 5 protected in 2018, unprotected in 2019)

Trade Exceptions

Neuzugänge 2014/15

Joel Embiid (Draft)
Patrick Patterson (Free Agent)
Shaun Livingston (Free Agent)
Emeka Okafor (Free Agent)
James Jones (Free Agent)
Luigi Datome (Trade)
Josh Harrellson (Trade)
Nemanja Nedovic (Trade)
DeMarre Carroll (Trade)
George Hill (Trade)
Goran Dragic (Trade)

Abgänge 2014/15

J. Maxiell (waived)
E. Moore (Free Agent)
J. Nelson (Trade)
A. Afflalo (Trade)
N. Vucevic (Trade)
R. Price (waived)
D. Lamb (waived)
D. Dedmon (waived)
M. Harkless (Trade)
K. O'Quinn (Trade)
A. Nicholson (Trade)
V. Oladipo (Trade)

Transactions Log

- Traded J. Nelson for a protected fututre first round Pick (GS Warriors).
- Waived J.Maxiell
- Traded A. Afflalo and N. Vucevic and 2 future draft picks for Rajon Rondo
- Waived R. Price
- Waived D. Lamb, D. Dedmon
- Signed P. Patterson via Free Agency
- Signed S. Livingston via Free Agency
- Signed E. Okafor via Free Agency
- Signed D. Liggins via Free Agency
- Waived D. Liggins
- Signed J. Jones via Free Agency
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Golden State Warriors


General Manager: GSWarriors
Coach: Steve Kerr

Depth Chart

PG: Curry / Nelson
SG: Thompson / C.J. Miles
SF: Iguodala / Green / Jones
PF: Lee / Green / O'quinn / Young
C: Bogut / O'quinn / Martin / Ezeli


Vorinformationen für mögliche Tradepartner: David Lee ist zu haben.

Andrew Bogut$12,972,973$12,000,000$11,027,027
David Lee$15,012,000$15,493,680
Andre Iguodala$12,289,544$11,710,456$11,131,368
Stephen Curry$10,629,213$11,370,786$12,112,359
Jameer Nelson$8,000,000
C.J. Miles$5,305,000$5,305,000$5,305,000
Marreese Speights$3,657,500$3,815,000
Jordan Crawford$3,206,867
Klay Thompson$3,075,880$4,210,880
Perry Jones$1,129,200$2,038,206$3,036,927
Festus Ezeli$1,112,880$2,008,748$3,013,123
Kyle O'Quinn$915,243$1,181,348
Draymond Green$915,243$1,181,348
Kenyon Martin$915,243$1,499,187
Patric Young$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Total Salaries$68,757,985$61,423,828$36,349,681$0$0$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15

Blake - $7,600,000
Crawford - $5,406,048
O'Neal - $2,400,000
Total Cap Holds - $15,406,048

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $80,041,923
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $xx,xxx,xxx
Difference: +/- $xx,xxx,xxx (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Jordan Crawford

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Steve Blake
Jermain O'Neal

Unsigned Draft Picks

Mladen Sekularac (55th pick, 2002)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2019-Warriors (insurance for Top 10 protected 2019 First Round Pick Warriors)
2020WarriorsWarriors (insurance for Top 10 protected 2019 First Round Pick Warriors)

Trade Exceptions

Malcolm Lee - $762,195 - 27th June 2014
Richard Jefferson - $1,235,920 - 10th July 2014
MarShon Brooks - $1,210,080 - 19th February 2015
Kent Bazemore - $788,872 - 19th February 2015

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Hier wird der Spielleiter nur notieren welche Salary Cap Exceptions schon genutzt wurden.

Neuzugänge 2014/15

- Jameer Nelson
- Patric Young (43rd Draft Pick 2014)
- C.J. Miles (FA)
- Perry Jones
- Kyle O'quinn

Abgänge 2014/15

- Harrison Barnes
- Ognjen Kuzmic
- DeMarre Carroll
- Nemanja Nedovic
- Nik Stauskas

Transactions Log

1) Richard Jefferson TPE (- $8,600,00) + 2019 First Round Pick (Top 10 Protected, otherwise 2nd Round 2019 and 2020) <-> Jameer Nelson

2) Harrison Barnes + Ognjen Kuzmic + 2015 Warriors First Round Pick <-> DeMarre Carroll + 2014 Hawks second Round Pick

3) Acquired Patric Young with 43rd Pick in 2014 NBA Draft

4) Signed C.J. Miles for 3 years (using NPT-MLE) during Free Agency

5) DeMarre Carroll + Nemanja Nedovic <-> Kyle O'Quinn + Nik Stauskas

6) Nik Stauskas <-> Perry Jones + Knicks 2018 Second Round Pick (unprotected)
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Rudy F

Anhang anzeigen 6927
Milwaukee Bucks

GM: Roberto Juan Fernandes (kurz: Rudy F)
Coach: Bill Self

Depth Chart:
PG: Brandon Knight/Deonte Burton/Earl Watson
SG :Andrew Wiggins/Carrick Felix/Jordan McRae
SF: Giannis Antetokounmpo /Chris Middleton/Niels Giffey
PF: Clint Capela/John Henson/Niels Giffey
C: Javale McGee/John Henson/Jordan Bachynski/Miroslav Raduljica
Inactive List: Brandon Jennings


Alle Angebote/Vorschläge werden beantwortet.
Spieler unter Vertrag: 15

Brandon Knight3.553.9176.000.0006.450.0006.900.0007.350.000
Deonte Burton507.336845.059980.4311.051.2451.125.816
Brandon Jennings8.000.0008.344.497
Giannis Antetokounmpo1.873.2001.953.9602.995.4214.187.598
Javale McGee11.250.00012.000.000
Chris Middleton915.2431.181.348
Clint Capela918.000959.4001.000.7001.806.2642.709.395
John Henson1.987.3202.943.2214.094.020
Carrick Felix816.482947.2761.015.696
Earl Watson8.000.000
Miroslav Raduljica1.500.0001.567.5001.959.375
Andrew Wiggins4.108.8004.293.7004.478.6005.651.9937.375.851
Jordan MvRae507.336845.059980.4311.051.2451.125.816
Jordan Bachynski507.336845.059
200.000 garantiert
Niels Giffey507.336845.059
Tayshaun Prince*7.707.865
Jason Richardson*6.601.125
Jason Terry*5.850.313
Total Salaries65.111.0943.571.138
Legende: grau nicht garantiert/ rot Qualifying Offer/blau Team Option/*entlassen/grün Player Option

Cap Holds 2014/15

Total Cap Holds - $0

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $65.111.609
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: +$1.911.609 (over the Cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Ramon Sessions
Jeff Adrien
Epke Udoh

Unsigned Draft Picks:
Eurelijus Zukauskas (1995 Pick54)

Future Draft Picks stimmt jetzt hoffentlich:D

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
Nuggets#14 ***
Kings/Pelicans(den Besseren)
Knicks(Top37 prot.)**
Pacers(if 51-60)*
Magic(if 41-60)*
Clippers/Nets(Clippers können Pick mit dem der Nets tauschen)
* else extinguished
** else Blazers 2nd Rounder 2017
*** top 7 protected 2015, top 5 2016, top 1 2017, unprotected after

Trade Exceptions

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions für 2014/15 (editiert der Spielleiter)
Room MLE: $2,732,000

Neuzugänge/Abgänge 2014/15 (Spieler/Coach/Draft Picks)

Abgänge: Larry Drew(Coach)
Carlos Defino
Larry Sanders
Samuel Dalembert
Nate Wolters
Jason Richardson
Jason Terry
Ramon Sessions
Jeff Adrien
Epke Udoh
Wayne Ellington
Zaza Pachulia
Chris Copeland
O.J. Mayo
Tayshaun Prince

Zugänge: Bill Self(Coach)
Jason Richardson
Samuel Dalembert
Wayne Ellington
Jason Terry
Chris Copeland
Tayshaun Prince
Jordan Bachynski
Clint Capela
Andrew Wiggins
Deonte Burton
Carrick Felix
Javale McGee
Brandon Jennings
Niels Giffey

Draftpicks 2014:
Andrew Wiggins (Pick#2 2014) Caphold: $4.108.800 (gesigned)
Clint Capela (Pick#29 2014) Caphold: $918.000 (gesigned)
Vasilije Micic (Pick#36 2014) (Profivertrag in Europa)
Ondrej Balvin (Pick#52 2014) (Profivertrag in Europa)
Deonte Burton (Pick#44 2014) Caphold: $507.336 (gesigned)

Transactions Log (dokumentiert mit Datum alles was ihr am Team verändert habt)
29.04.14: TOs 2015/16 Antetokounmpo und Henson gezogen
01.05.14: Trade Bucks - Thunder: Pick#31 + #48 <-> Pick#29 + 2nd Rounder 2015 Thunder
15.05.14: Milwaukee Bucks traded Carlos Delfino to the Philadelphia 76ers for Jason Richardson and the draft rights of Ondrej Balvin (#52 in 2014).
20.05.14: Milwaukee Bucks traded Larry Sanders to the Dallas Mavericks for Samuel Dalembert, Wayne Ellington, Mavericks' 2016 1st Round Pick and Mavericks' 2015 2nd Round Pick
20.05.14: Samuel Dalembert entlassen
21.05.14: Milwaukee Bucks traded Ersan Ilyasova to the Charlotte Hornets for Hornets' 2015 1st Round Pick (top 14 protected in 2015, top 10 in 2016, top 5 in 2017 and 2018, unprotected in 2019)
28.05.14: Sacramento Kings traded Jason Terry, Kings' 2015 2nd Round Pick (only if #31-49) and Knicks' 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 37 protected, else Blazers' 2017 unprotected 2nd Rnd Pick) to the Milwaukee Bucks for Thunder's 2015 2nd Round Pick.
28.05.14: Indiana Pacers traded Chris Copeland, Pacers' 2015 2nd Round Pick and Pacers' 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 50 protected, else extinguished) to the Milwaukee Bucks for Mavericks' 2015 2nd Round Pick.
29.05.14: Milwaukee Bucks negotiated a 26.7 million $ contract extension over four years with Brandon Knight.
30.05.14: Milwaukee Bucks traded Nate Wolters to the Minnesota Timberwolves for the draft rights of Deonte Burton (2nd round pick #44 in 2014) and Timberwolves' 2018 2nd Round Pick.
01.06.14: Memphis Grizzlies traded Tayshaun Prince, Celtics' 2016 2nd Round Pick and Raptors' 2016 2nd Round Pick to the Milwaukee Bucks for the draft rights of Albert Miralles.
04.06.14: Jason Terry und Jason Richardson entlassen
05.06.14: Bucks signed undrafted free agent Jordan Bachynski to a minimum contract over three years.
14.06.14: Cleveland Cavaliers traded JaVale McGee, Carrick Felix, Nuggets' 2015 1st Round Pick (top 7 protected 2015, top 5 2016, top 1 2017, unprotected after) and Magic's 2016 2nd Round Pick (top 40 protected, extinguished thereafter) to the Milwaukee Bucks for Zaza Pachulia, Chris Copeland and Wayne Ellington.
15.06.14: Portland Trail Blazers traded Brandon Jennings and Trail Blazers' 2019 2nd Round Pick to the Milwaukee Bucks for O.J. Mayo
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GM: Maberlinho
Coach: Terry Stotts

Depth Chart 2014/15 =

PG: Damian Lillard / Toney Douglas / Dwight Buycks
SG: Wesley Matthews / Alan Anderson /
SF: Nicolas Batum / James Young /
PF: Thaddeus Young / Jason Thompson / Thomas Robinson / Lavoy Allen
C: Nikola Pekovic / Spencer Hawes / Gorgui Dieng / Meyers Leonard



Nikola Pekovic$12,100,000$12,100,000$12,100,000$11,600,000
Nicolas Batum$11,765,500$12,235,750
Thaddeus Young$9,410,869$9,971,739
Wesley Matthews$7,245,640
Jason Thompson$6,037,500$6,431,250$6,825,000
Spencer Hawes$5,305,000$5,400,000$5,595,000$5,700,000
Thomas Robinson$3,678,360$4,660,482$6,179,799
Damian Lillard$3,340,920$4,236,287$5,651,206
Meyers Leonard$2,317,920$3,075,880$4,210,880
Alan Anderson$2,077,000$2,170,465
Gorgui Dieng$1,413,480$1,474,440$2,348,783$3,384,596
James Young$1,215,300$1,270,000$1,324,700$2,042,687$2,927,171
Toney Douglas$915,243$1,185,784
Lavoy Allen$915,243$1,015,421
Dwight Buycks$816,482
Total Salaries$70,329,433$41,048,864$5,595,000$5,700,000$0$0

Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap-Holds 2014/15

Restricted Free Agents 2015:


Unrestricted Free Agents 2015:

Wesley Matthews
Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round

Trade Exceptions

LaMarcus Aldridge $ 9,968,500
Dorell Wright $ 3,000,000
Allen Crabbe $ 862,000

Neuzugänge 2014/15:

James Young
Spencer Hawes
Brandon Jennings
Alan Anderson
Kendall Marshall
Melvin Ejim
Khem Birch
Toney Douglas
Lavoy Allen
O.J. Mayo
Nikola Pekovic
Thaddeus Young
Jason Thompson
Gorgui Dieng
Dwight Buycks

Abgänge 2014/15:

Mo Williams
Earl Watson
Dorell Wright
Joel Freeland
CJ McCollum
Victor Claver
Allen Crabbe
Brandon Jennings
LaMarcus Aldridge
O.J. Mayo
Robin Lopez
Will Barton
Transactions Log:

- Dorell Wright tradet to Toronto Raptors for their 2014 20th draft pick.

- Free agent Spencer Hawes signed with the non-taxpayer MLE.

- Joel Freeland, CJ McCollum, Victor Claver and Allen Crabbe tradet to Detroit Pistons for Brandon Jennings.

- Free agent Alan Anderson signed with the bi-annual exception.

- Free agents Khem Birch, Kendall Williams and Melvin Ejim signed to a rookie contract.

- Free agents Toney Douglas and Lavoy Allen signed a minimum contract over two years (2nd with team option)

- Kendall Williams and Khem Birch were waived.

- Brandon Jennings and Trail Blazers 2019 2nd Round Pick tradet to Milwaukee Bucks for O.J. Mayo

- LaMarcus Aldridge, Robin Lopez & Will Barton tradet to Minnesota Timberwolves, O.J. Mayo tradet to Brooklyn Nets for Nikola Pekovic, Thaddeus Young, Jason Thompson, Gorgui Dieng & Timberwolves 2017 1st Round Pick
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A, B, C und die 6
New Orleans Pelicans

General Manager: Cudi
Coach: Monty Williams

Depth Chart:
PG: Jrue Holiday / Raymond Felton / Brian Roberts
SG: Paul George / Anthony Morrow / Rodney Stuckey
SF: Al-Farouq Aminu / Darius Miller / Paul George
PF: Ryan Anderson / Kris Humphries / Jason Smith
C: Brook Lopez / Ian Mahinmi / Jason Smith

Brook Lopez$15,719,063$16,744,218
Paul George$13,701,250$14,728,844$15,756,438$16,784,031$17,811,625
Jrue Holiday$10,404,495$11,095,507$11,786,518
Ryan Anderson$8,491,500$8,500,000
Al-Farouq Aminu$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000
Ian Mahinmi$4,000,000$4,000,000
Raymond Felton$3,793,693$3,950,313
Jason Smith$3,000,000$3,000,000
Kris Humphries$3,000,000$3,000,000
Anthony Morrow$2,077,000$2,139,000
Rodney Stuckey$1,500,000$1,500,000
Darius Miller$1,115,243
Brian Roberts$1,115,243
Alexis Ajinca*$981,084
Total salaries$73,898,571$73,657,882$32,542,956$21,784,031$17,811,625
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Unguaranteed - * nicht im Kader

Draft Picks:
Year1st Round2nd Round
2015OwnTo PHL (via LAC to WAS)
2016To BKNLess favorable of NOP and SAC 31-55 (via MIL swap of SAC for NOP); SAC 56-60; LAC 56-60
2017Own, From ORL (Top 10 protected, Top 5 protected 2018, unprotected 2019)To PHL (via LAC to WAS)
2018OwnTo BKN

Traded Player Exceptions

Austin Rivers - $2,439,840
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Utah Jazz


General Manager: PistolPete7
Coach: Kevin Ollie

Roster 2014/15

0Enes KanterC/PF2,11 m112 kgKentucky22
2Elfrid PaytonPG1,93 m86 kgLA Lafayette20
3Trey BurkePG1,85 m86 kgMichigan21
5Noah VonlehPF/C2,08 m109 kgIndiana18
6Anthony RandolphPF/C2,11 m102 kgLSU24
8Jerryd BaylessPG1,91 m91 kgArizona25
10Alec BurksSG/PG1,98 m96 kgColorado22
11Josh McRobertsPF/C2,08 m110 kgDuke27
13Thabo SefoloshaSG/SF2,01 m101 kgSchweiz30
15Derrick FavorsPF/C2,08 m122 kgGeorgia Tech22
20Gordon HaywardSG/SF2,03 m100 kgButler24
21Wilson ChandlerSF/SG2,03 m104 kgDePaul27
27Rudy GobertC2,16 m111 kgFrankreich21
31Mike MuscalaPF/C2,11 m108 kgBucknell22
40Jeremy EvansSF/PF2,06 m88 kgWestern Kentucky26

Depth Chart

PG: Trey Burke / Jerryd Bayless / Elfrid Payton
SG: Alec Burks / Jamal Crawford / Reggie Bullock
SF: Gordon Hayward / Wilson Chandler / Jeremy Evans
PF: Derrick Favors / Noah Vonleh / Jeff Adrien / Anthony Randolph
C: Enes Kanter / Rudy Gobert


-Kaderplanung abgeschlossen


Team verbessern, versuchen in die Playoffs zu kommen

Derrick Favors$12,950,000$12,000,000$11,050,000$12,000,000
Enes Kanter$5,694,674$10,000,000$10,750,000$10,500,000$11,250,000
Gordon Hayward$11,500,000$12,000,000$12,450,000$13,000,000
Wilson Chandler$6,757,913$7,171,662
Alec Burks$3,034,356$6,000,000$6,450,000$6,850,000$6,600,000
Jamal Crawford$5,450,000$5,675,000
Noah Vonleh$3,012,500 $3,148,100$3,283,600$4,160,321 $5,516,586
Jerryd Bayless$2,732,000$2,732,000
Trey Burke$2,548,560$2,658,240$3,386,598 $4,588,840
Jeremy Evans$1,794,872
Elfrid Payton$1,468,900$1,535,000$1,601,100$2,456,087 $3,450,803
Reggie Bullock$1,200,720$1,252,440$2,255,644$3,313,542
Rudy Gobert$1,127,400$1,175,880$2,121,288 $3,145,869
Jeff Adrien$915,243
Mike Muscala *$408,241
Total Salaries$64,146,534$61,369,220$46,540,009$41,850,000$17,850,000

[td]Anthony Randolph[/td]

Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15


Restricted Free Agents 2014

Gordon Hayward

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Richard Jefferson
Marvin Williams
Brandon Rush

Unsigned Draft Picks

Raulzinho Neto (2013, #47)
Ante Tomic (2008, #44)
Shan Foster (2008, #51)
Mario Austin (2003, #36)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2015Jazz -
Warriors (unprotected)

Trade Exceptions


Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Neuzugänge 2014/15

Mike Dunleavy (Chicago)
Noah Vonleh (Draft, #5)
Elfrid Payton (Draft, #16)
Thabo Sefolosha (Oklahoma City Thunder)
Josh McRoberts (Charlotte Hornets)
Wilson Chandler (Denver Nuggets)
Anthony Randolph (Denver Nuggets)
Jerryd Bayless (Boston Celtics)
Mike Muscala (Atlanta Hawks)
Abgänge 2014/15

John Lucas III (entlassen)
Malcolm Thomas (entlassen)
Erik Murphy (Chicago Bulls)
Diante Garrett (Chicago Bulls)
Ian Clark (Chicago Bulls)
Marvin Williams (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Richard Jefferson (Los Angeles Clippers)

Transactions Log

01.05.14 - Utah Jazz waived John Lucas III an Malcolm Thomas

05.05.14 - Acquired Mike Dunleavy and Bobcats' 2014 First Round Pick from Chicago for Erik Murphy, Diante Garrett, Ian Clark, Warriors' 2014 First Round Pick and Jazz's 2014 Second Round Pick.

16.05.14 - Utah Jazz signed their 2014 1st Round Pick (#5) Noah Vonleh.

16.05.14 - Utah Jazz signed their 2014 1st Round Pick (#16) Elfrid Payton.

25.05.14 - Utah Jazz negotiated a 26 million $ contract extension over four years with Alec Burks.

25.05.14 - Utah Jazz negotiated a 42.5 million $ contract extension over four years with Enes Kanter.

25.05.14 - Utah Jazz signed Thabo Sefolosha to a 22.5 million $ contract over four years

25.05.14 - Utah Jazz re-signed Gordon Hayward to a 49 million $ contract over four years.

27.05.14 - Utah Jazz signed Josh McRoberts to an 18 million $ contract over four years.

28.05.14 - Utah Jazz traded Mike Dunleavy and Jazz's 2015 2nd Round Pick to the Denver Nuggets for Wilson Chandler and Anthony Randolph.

31.05.14 - Utah Jazz signed Jerryd Bayless to a 5.5 million $ contract over two years.
(Jazz used their full Room MLE to sign Bayless.)

05.06.14 - Utah Jazz claimed Mike Muscala off waivers via minimum exception and absorbed his contract.
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Los Angeles Lakers


General Manager: Evolution
Coach: Byron Scott

Depth Chart

PG: Exum/Farmar/Marshall
SG: Young/Brown/Marble
SF: Bryant/Johnson/Ross
PF: Boozer/Bass/Arthur
C: Hill/Sacre/Gray



Kobe Bryant$23,500,000$25,000,000
Jordan Hill$10,000,000
Carlos Boozer$7,000,000
Brandon Bass$6,900,000
Darrell Arthur$3,457,149
Nick Young$3,500,000$3,500,000$3,500,000
Dante Exum$2,736,100$2,859,200$2,982,400$3,781,683$5,044,765
Aaron Gray$2,000,000
Jordan Farmar$1,800,000$1,800,000
Wesley Johnson$1,442,314$1,507,218
Roy Devyn Marble$507,336$845,059$980,431
Robert Sacre$915,243$981,348
Kendall Marshall$915,243
LaQuinton Ross$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Markel Brown$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Total Salaries$65,707,336$37,337,884$7,462,831$4,832,928$6,170,581$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Restricted Free Agents 2014

- Kent Bazemore
- Ryan Kelly

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

- Pau Gasol
- Jordan Hill
- Chris Kaman
- Jodie Meeks
- MarShon Brooks
- Nick Young (P)
- Jordan Farmar
- Xavier Henry
- Wesley Johnson

Unsigned Draft Picks

Sergei Lishouk (49th pick, 2004)
Chinemelu Elonu (59th pick, 2009)
Ater Majok (58th pick, 2011)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2017Atlanta (Top 5 protected)Lakers

Trade Exceptions


Transactions Log

- 02.05.2014: Trade von Steve Nash nach Philly für Pick #39 & Pick #54 im Draft 2014
- 06.05.2014: Lakers draften Dante Exum mit Pick #6
- 11.05.2014: Lakers draften Markel Brown mit Pick #39
- 12.05.2014: Lakers draften Laquinton Ross mit Pick #54
- 21.05.2014: Lakers signen Carlos Boozer (7/1)
- 21.05.2014: Lakers claimed Samuel Dalembert off waivers
- 21.05.2014: Lakers signen Byron Scott als Head Coach
- 26.05.2014: Lakers signen Jordan Hill (10/1)
- 30.05.2014: Lakers signen Jodie Meeks (6/1)
- 30.05.2014: Lakers signen Nick Young (10,5/3)
- 03.06.2014: Lakers signen LaQuinton Ross
- 04.06.2014: Lakers signen Jordan Farmar (3.6/2)
- 04.06.2014: Lakers signen Wesley Johnson (3/2)
- 05.06.2014: Lakers signen Markel Brown
- 07.06.2014: Lakers signen Aaron Gray (2/1)
- 15.06.2014: Lakers traden Meeks, Dalembert, Kelly und erhalten Bass, Arthur, Marble, First-Rounder Clippers 2015, First-Rounder Hawks 2017
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Toronto Raptors


General Manager: Freiplatzzokker
Coach: Dwane Casey

Toronto Raptors

PGKyle Lowry (36)Greivis Vasquez (12)Nando de Colo (Rest)
SGDeMar DeRozan (28)Greivis Vasquez (10)Chris Johnson (10 + Rest SG)
SFP.J. Tucker (30)Chris Johnson (10 + Rest SF)DeMar DeRozan (8)
PFAmir Johnson (22)Channing Frye (18)Tyler Hansbrough (8 + Rest)
CJonas Valanciunas (30)Channing Frye / Amir Johnson (je 9)Ivan Johnson (Rest)

Rest gibt an, welcher Spieler die geplanten 12% Spielzeit für Verletzungen des Starters auf der jeweiligen Position erhält. Inactive: Steve Novak, Dorell Wright, Kendrick Perkins

Kyle Lowry$13,000,000$13,000,000$13,000,000$13,000,000$13,000,000
DeMar DeRozan$9,500,000$9,500,000$9,500,000
Kendrick Perkins$9,404,342
Amir Johnson$7,000,000$9,000,000$9,000,000$9,000,000
P.J. Tucker$5,500,000$5,500,000$5,500,000$5,500,000$5,500,000
Channing Frye$5,305,000$5,543,725$5,782,450$6,021,175
Steve Novak$3,445,947$3,750,001
Jonas Valanciunas$3,678,360$4,660,482$6,179,799
Tyler Hansbrough$3,326,235
Greivis Vasquez$2,900,000$3,000,000$3,100,000
Terrence Ross$2,793,960$3,553,917$4,790,680
Dorell Wright$3,135,000
Nando de Colo$1,500,000$1,500,000
Chris Johnson$915,243$981,348$1,050,961
Ivan Johnson$915,243
John Salmons*$1,000,000
Marcus Camby*$646,609
Total salaries$73,980,939$59,989,468$57,903,791$24,521,175$27,500,000$0
Total w/o options$73,980,939$59,008,125$36,382,450$18,500,000$0$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15:

Total Cap Holds - $0

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $73,980,939
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: + $10,780,939 (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents:

Unrestricted Free Agents:

Unsigned Draft Picks:
DeAndre Hulett (46th pick, 2000)
Tomislav Zubcic (56th pick, 2012)
Kristaps Porzingis (37th pick, 2014)
Jabari Brown (59th pick, 2014)

Draft Picks:
Year1st Round2nd Round
2014 Traded to Blazers Kings, Raptors, Thunder
2015 Traded to Suns Traded to Knicks
2016 Knicks, Nuggets, Traded to Suns Raptors
2017 Raptors Knicks, Raptors
2018 Raptors Raptors
2019 Raptors Raptors

Trade Exceptions:
Landry Fields - $750,000 - February 15th, 2015

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions:

Neuzugänge 2014/15
Dorell Wright
Channing Frye
Kendrick Perkins
Chris Johnson
Ivan Johnson
P.J. Tucker

Abgänge 2014/15
John Salmons
Pattrick Patterson
Julyan Stone
Chuck Hayes
Dwight Buycks
Landry Fields

Transactions Log
29.04. - Waived John Salmons
29.04. - Tendered qualifying offer to Vasquez, Patterson, de Colo
02.05. - Traded 20th Pick to Blazers for Dorell Wright
07.05. - Exercised fourth-year team option on Terrence Ross and Jonas Valanciunas
10.05. - Drafted Kristaps Porzingis with the 37th pick
12.05. - Drafted Jabari Brown with the 59th pick
20.05. - Re-signed Kyle Lowry for 65/13
23.05. - Signed Channing Frye for 22,65/4
25.05. - Renounced rights to Patrick Patterson
26.05. - Negotiated a 27 million $ contract extension over three years with Amir Johnson
02.06. - Re-signed Greivis Vasquez for 9/3
03.06. - Traded Julyan Stone, Chuck Hayes and 2nd Rounder in 2015 to Knicks for Kendrick Perkins
04.06. - Claimed Chris Johnson off waivers
04.06. - Waived Dwight Buyckes
05.06. - Re-signed Nando de Colo for 3/2
08.06. - Signed Ivan Johnson to a minimum contract
21.06. - Traded Landry Fields and First Rounder in 2015/2016 to Suns for P.J. Tucker
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Brooklyn Nets

General Manager: DaveCol1 (abwesend 01.09-17.09.2014)
Coach: Jason Kidd

Depth Chart

PG: Darren Collison / Steve Blake / Will Bynum
SG: Eric Gordon / O.J. Mayo / Austin Rivers
SF: Michael Kidd-Gilchrist / Gerald Henderson / Joe Johnson
PF: Ersan Ilyasova / Cody Zeller / Glen Davis
C: Mason Plumlee / Kevin Seraphin / Andrew Bynum

Joe Johnson$23,180,790$24,894,863
Eric Gordon$14,898,938$15,514,031
O.J. Mayo$8,000,000$8,000,000
Ersan Ilyasova$7,900,000$7,900,000$8,400,000
Gerald Henderson$6,000,000$6,000,000
Michael Kidd-Gilchrist$5,016,960$6,331,404$8,262,482
Cody Zeller$4,030,560$4,204,200$5,318,313$7,014,855
Darren Collison$4,000,000$4,000,000
Glen Davis$3,278,000$3,278,000
Will Bynum$2,915,908
Austin Rivers$2,439,840$3,110,796$4,236,904
Kevin Seraphin$2,300,000$2,300,000
Steve Blake$2,000,000
Mason Plumlee$1,357,080$1,415,520$2,328,530$3,371,712
Andrew Bynum$915,243
Total Salaries$91,443,233$51,134,783$2,328,530$3,371,712
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $91,443,233
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: +/- $28,243,233 (+ over cap)

Unsigned Draft Picks

Christian Drejer
Edin Bavcic
Bojan Bogdanovic
Ilkan Karaman

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2015Nets (Hawks have right to swap Picks) + Mavs
2017Nets (Celtics have right to swap Picks)

Trade Exceptions
TPE Deron Williams - $17,754,465 from 28.06.2014
TPE Raymond Felton - §3,793,693 from 28.06.2014

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Transactions Log
New York Knicks traded J.R. Smith and Raymond Felton to the Brooklyn Nets for Marcus Thornton.
Brooklyn Nets waived Jorge Gutierrez.
Detroit Pistons traded Josh Smith and Will Bynum to the Brooklyn Nets for Kevin Garnett, Mirza Teletovic, Nets' 2016 2nd Round Pick (Clippers have option to swap 2016 second round picks if Clippers pick is #31-55) and Nets' 2018 2nd Round Pick.
Brooklyn Nets re-signed Paul Pierce to a 12 million $ contract for one year.
Brooklyn Nets signed Glen Davis to a 6.5 million $ contract over two years.
Brooklyn Nets signed Ryan Hollins to a minimum contract for one year.
Brooklyn Nets signed Andrew Bynum to a minimum contract for one year.
Brooklyn Nets exercised the third-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Mason Plumlee.
Brooklyn Nets exercised the fourth-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Marquis Teague.
Brooklyn Nets traded Deron Williams, Josh Smith, J.R. Smith, Andrei Kirilenko, Marquis Teague and Ryan Hollins to the Charlotte Hornets for Ersan Ilyasova, Gerald Henderson, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Darren Collison, Cody Zeller, Steve Blake, Kevin Seraphin and Hornets' 2017 1st Round Pick or two years after 1st Round Pick was conveyed to Milwaukee.
(Nets received TPE - Deron Williams - $17,754,465 in this deal.)
(Hornets aquired Ryan Hollins via Minimum Exception.)
Brooklyn Nets traded Brook Lopez and Raymond Felton to the New Orleans Pelicans for Eric Gordon, Austin Rivers, Pelicans' 2016 1st Round Pick and Pelicans' 2018 2nd Round Pick.
(Nets received TPE - Raymond Felton - $3,793,693 in this deal.)
(Pelicans received TPE - Austin Rivers - $2,439,840 in this deal.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Baden Württemberg
Detroit Pistons

General Manager: Sati
Lionel Hollins

Depth Chart:
PG: Jose Calderon; Mo Williams; C.J. McCollum;
SG:Kentavious Caldwell-Pope; Jeremy Lamb; Nick Johnson
SF:Jae Crowder; Kyle Anderson; Moe Harkless;
PF:Greg Monroe; Mirza Teletovic Jonas Jerebko;
C:Andre Drummond; Jermaine O'Neal; Joel Freeland


Greg Monroe$15,800,000$16,511,000$17,222,000$17,933,000
Jose Calderon$7,097,191$7,402,812$7,708,427
Jonas Jerebko$4,500,000
Mirza Teletovic$3,368,100$4,210,125
Joel Freeland$3,013,512$3,766,890
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope$2,772,480$2,891,760$3,678,319$4,958,374
Andre Drummond$2,568,360$3,272,091$4,433,683
C.J. McCollum$2,421,000$2,525,160$3,219,579$4,385,067
Mo Williams$2,305,000
Kyle Anderson$2,288,200$2,391,200$2,494,200$3,172,622$4,276,695
Jeremy Lamb$2,202,000$3,034,356$4,175,274
Jermaine O'Neal$2,000,000$2,000,000
Moe Harkless$1,887,840$2,894,059$4,045,894
Jae Crowder$915,243$1,181,348
Nick Johnson$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Kevin Garnett*$4,000,000$4,000,000$4,000,000
Allen Crabbe*$862,000
Tony Mitchell*$816,482
Total Salaries$59,972,199$36,379,822$21,222,000$17,933,000$0$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap-Holds 2014/2015

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Unsigned Draft Picks

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
Nets (Clippers can swap if pick #31-55), Mavericks, Grizzleys

Trade Exceptions

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Neuzugänge 2014/15
Coach Lionel Hollins

Abgänge 2014/15

Transactions Log
Pistons sign Kyle Anderon 16.05.2014

Pistons traded 2nd round Pick + TPE for Houstons Jeremy Lin 20.05.14

Pistons traded Josh Smith and Will Bynum to the Nets for Kevin Garnett, Mirza Teletovic, Nets 2nd Round Pick 2016 (Clippers have option to swap 2016 second round pick if Clippers pick is #31-55) and Nets 2018 second Round Pick 21.05.2014

Pistons traded Kyle Singer to the Thunder for Magic 2nd round Pick 2016 (top 40 protected) and Suns 2nd Round pick 2016 (top 45 protected)

Pistons traded 1st round Pick 2015 and Magic 2nd round pick 2016 (top 40 protected) to the Knicks for Jeremy Lamp.

Pistons traded Brandon Jennings to the Trailblazers for C.J McCollum, Joel Freeland, Victor Claver and Allen Crabbe.

Pistons traded Luigi Datome and Josh Harrellson to the Magic for Maurice Harkless

Pistons traded Chauncey Billups and Suns 2nd round pick 2016 to the Grizzleys for Mo Williams

Pistons traded J. Lin, Victors Claver, Jason Maxiell to the Mavericks for Jose Calderon, Jae Crowder, Jermaine O'Neal, 2016 2nd round pick from the Grizzleys and 2016 2nd round pick from the Mavericks
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

Steph Curry

Dallas Mavericks

General Manager: Steph Curry (im Urlaub von 29. Juni bis 5. Juli 2014)
Coach: Rick Carlisle

Depth Chart

PG: Jeremy Lin / Shane Larkin
SG: Monta Ellis / Vince Carter / Jason Terry
SF: Luol Deng / Robbie Hummel / Victor Claver
PF: Dirk Nowitzki / Brandan Wright / Jarnell Stokes / Jason Maxiell
C: Larry Sanders / Jeff Ayres / Bernard James


- bin für alles offen ;)


D. Nowitzki$9,570,000$10,000,650$10,431,300
L. Sanders$11,000,000$11,000,000$11,000,000$11,000,000
L. Deng$10,600,000$11,077,000$11,554,000$12,031,000
M. Ellis$8,720,000$9,080,000
J. Lin$8,374,646
B. Wright$5,000,000
V. Carter$3,000,000$3,000,000
V. Claver$1,370,000$1,712,500
J. Terry$2,000,000$2,000,000
S. Larkin$1,606,080$1,675,320$2,576,642$3,656,255
R. Hummel$1,016,482
B. James$915,243$981,348
J. Ayres$1,828,750
J. Stokes$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
J. Maxiell$915,243
* R. Ledo$816,482$947,276
* G. Mekel$816,482
Total (without options)$67,040,262$34,700,246$22,554,000$23,031,000

Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $67,040,262
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: + $3,840,262 (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted FA's


Unrestricted FA's


Unsigned Draftpicks

Steve Logan (30th pick, 2002)
Petteri Koponen (30th pick, 2007)
Renaldas Seibutis (50th pick, 2007)
Tadija Dragicevic (53rd pick, 2008)

Future Draftpicks

2015: - 1st Rounder T'Wolves
2016: - none
2017: - eigener 1st + 2nd Rounder
2018: - eigener 1st + 2nd Rounder
2019: - eigener 1st + 2nd Rounder

Trade Exceptions


Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Room MLE: $2,732,000

Neuzugänge 2014

Luol Deng
Larry Sanders
Jason Terry
Jarnell Stokes
Jeff Ayres
Jeremy Lin
Jason Maxiell
Victor Claver

Abgänge 2014

Samuel Dalembert
Wayne Ellington
Devin Harris
Shawn Marion
Gal Mekel
Ricky Ledo
Thanasis Antentokounmpo
Phil Pressey
Jose Calderon
Jae Crowder
Jermaine O'Neal

Transactions Log

20th May
- Dallas Mavericks traded Samuel Dalembert, Wayne Ellington, Mavericks' 2016 1st Round Pick and Mavericks' 2015 2nd Round Pick to the Milwaukee Bucks for Larry Sanders.
- Dallas Mavericks re-signed Dirk Nowitzki to a 30 million $ contract over three years.
- Dallas Mavericks signed Luol Deng to a 45 million $ contract over four years.

23rd May
- Dallas Mavericks re-signed Vince Carter to a 6 million $ contract over two years.

29th May
- Dallas Mavericks signed Jermaine O'Neal to a 4 million $ contract over two years.

7th June
- Dallas Mavericks signed Jason Terry to a 4 million $ contract over two years.
- Dallas Mavericks re-signed Bernard James to a minimum contract over two years.
- Dallas Mavericks signed Phil Pressey to a minimum contract over two years.
- Dallas Mavericks signed their 2014 2nd Round Pick (#34) Jarnell Stokes.
- Dallas Mavericks signed their 2014 2nd Round Pick (#51) Thanasis Antetokounmpo.

8th June
- Dallas Mavericks waived Gal Mekel (Guaranteed $816,482 for 2014/15 stay on Mavericks' payroll.)
- Dallas Mavericks waived Ricky Ledo (Guaranteed $816,482 for 2014/15 and $947,276 for 2015/16 stay on Mavericks' payroll.)

18th June
- Boston Celtics traded Jeff Ayres to the Dallas Mavericks for Phil Pressey and Thanasis Antentokounmpo.

22nd June
- Detroit Pistons traded Jeremy Lin, Victor Claver and Jason Maxiell to the Dallas Mavericks for Jose Calderon, Jae Crowder, Jermaine O'Neal, Mavericks' 2016 2nd Round Pick and Grizzlies' 2016 2nd Round Pick.

25th June
- Minnesota Timberwolves traded Robbie Hummel and Timberwolves' 2015 1st Round Pick to the Dallas Mavericks for Mavericks' 2015 1st Round Pick.
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Boston Celtics
Anhang anzeigen 6953

General Manager: Materia20
Coach: Brad Stevens

Depth Chart
PG: Tyler Ennis / Cory Joseph / Phil Pressey / Dennis Schröder
SG: Avery Bradley / Lou Williams / Thanasis Antetokounmpo
SF: Jabari Parker / Gerald Wallace
PF: Jared Sullinger / Aaron Gordon / Derrick Williams
C: Nikola Vucevic / Kelly Olynyk / J.J. Hickson


Gerald Wallace$10,105,855$10,105,855
Derrick Williams$6,331,404$8,262,482
Lou Williams$5,450,000
J.J. Hickson$5,381,750$5,613,500
Avery Bradley$5,305,000$5,543,725$5,782,450$6,021,175
Jabari Parker$3,689,700$3,855,800$4,021,800
Nikola Vucevic$2,751,260$11,750,000$11,750,000$11,750,000$11,750,000
Kelly Olynyk$2,075,760$2,165,160$3,094,013$4,279,021
Cory Joseph$2,023,261$3,034,891
Aaron Gordon$1,898,300
Dennis Schröder$1,690,680$1,763,400$2,708,582$3,824,518
Jared Sullinger$1,424,520$2,269,260$3,270,004
Tyler Ennis$1,395,400$1,458,200$1,521,000
Phil Pressey$816,482$947,276
Thanasis Antetokounmpo$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Joel Anthony*$3,800,000
Austin Daye*$250,000
Total Salaries$55,528,926$54,919,352$21,395,471$16,029,021$11,750,000$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15
Total Cap Holds - $0

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $59,696,101
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $xx,xxx,xxx
Difference: +/- $xx,xxx,xxx (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Unsigned Draft Picks

Colton Iverson (53rd pick, 2013)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
Lakers (Top 40 protected)
(Celtics have option to swap 2017 first round picks with Nets)
Lakers (top 5 protected)
(Spurs have option to swap 2017 second round picks)

Trade Exceptions

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Neuzugänge 2014/15
-Cory Joseph
-Nikola Vucevic
-Lou Williams
-Dennis Schröder
-(Lucas Nogueira)
-Derrick Williams
-J.J. Hickson
-Aaron Gordon
-Phil Pressey
-Thanasis Antentokounmpo

Abgänge 2014/15
-Keith Bogans
-Rajon Rondo
-Jeff Green
-Aaron Afflalo
-John Jenkins
-Vitor Faverani
-Austin Daye
-Chris Johnson
-Chris Babb
-Roy Devyn Marble
-Brandon Bass
-Joel Anthony
-Jeff Ayres

Transactions Log

-04.05.2014: Boston Celtics traded Keith Bogans and the right to swap 2017 2nd Round Picks to the San Antonio Spurs for Jeff Ayres, Cory Joseph, Austin Daye and Spurs' 2014 1st Round Pick.
-06.05.2014: Boston Celtics traded Rajon Rondo to the Orlando Magic for Nikola Vucevic, Arron Afflalo, Lakers' 2017 1st Round Pick (top 5 protected, else*) and Lakers' 2015 2nd Round Pick (top 40 protected in 2015, extinguished thereafter).
-22.05.2014: Boston Celtics traded Jeff Green and Aaron Afflalo to the Atlanta Hawks for Lou Williams, John Jenkins, Dennis Schröder, draft rights of Lucas Nogueira, Hawks' 2017 1st-Round Pick (Top-5-Protected, else 2018 unprotected) and Hawks' 2017 2nd-Round Pick.
-28.05.2014: Boston Celtics matched the 22.65 million $ offer sheet over four years which Avery Bradley had signed with the Wolves.
-31.05.2014: Boston Celtics negotiated a 47 million $ contract extension over four years with Nikola Vucevic.
-02.06.2014: Boston Celtics traded Vitor Faverani, Kings' 2015 2nd Round Pick (top 55 protected) and Kings' 2017 2nd Round Pick (top 55 protected) to the Sacramento Kings for Derrick Williams
-02.06.2014: Boston Celtics traded John Jenkins to the Washington Wizards for Wizards' 2016 2nd Round Pick
-04.06.2014: Boston Celtics signed undrafted Free Agent Roy Devyn Marble to a minimum contract over two years.
-04.06.2014: Boston Celtics waived Austin Daye, Phil Pressey, Chris Johnson and Chris Babb.
16.04.2014: Boston Celtics, Denver Nuggets and Los Angeles Lakers completed a three-way trade. Boston Celtics traded Brandon Bass, Roy Devin Marble, Clippers 2015 Firstroundpick, Hawks 2017 Firstroundpick (Top5 protected) and Wizzards 2016 Secondroundpick to the Los Angeles Lakers and received J.J. Hickson and Aaron Gordon from the Denver Nuggets.
-18.06.2014: Boston Celtics waived Joel Anthony
-18.06.2014: Boston Celtics traded Jeff Ayres to the Dallas Mavericks for Phil Pressey and Thanasis Antentokounmpo.
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Sacramento Kings

General Manager: pappel

Coach: Michael Malone

Depth Chart

PG - Isaiah Thomas, Ray McCallum, Alexey Shved
SG - Ben McLemore, Nik Stauskas, Shabazz Muhammad
SF - Rudy Gay, Jordan Hamilton, Travis Outlaw
PF - DeMarcus Cousins, Anthony Bennett, Charlie Villanueva
C - Chris Kaman, Vitor Faverani, Reggie Evans



Rudy Gay$18,960,000$18,486,000$18,012,000$17,538,000$17,064,000
DeMarcus Cousins$13,701,250$14,728,844$15,756,438$16,784,031
Isaiah Thomas$7,000,000$7,000,000$7,000,000$7,000,000
Anthony Bennett$5,563,920$5,803,560$7,318,289$9,513,776
Chris Kaman$3,500,000$3,500,000$3,500,000
Alexey Shved$3,282,056$4,102,570
Ben McLemore$3,026,280$3,156,600$4,008,882$5,375,911
Travis Outlaw$3,000,000
Vitor Faverani$2,090,000$2,180,000$2,725,000
Jordan Hamilton$2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000
Shabazz Muhammad$1,971,960$2,056,920$3,046,299$4,237,401
Nik Stauskas$1,803,400$1,884,600$1,965,700$2,708,735$3,727,219
Reggie Evans$1,768,653
Charlie Villanueva$915,243
Ray McCallum$816,482$947,276$1,215,696
Total Salaries$69,399,244$61,743,800$46,268,438$41,322,031$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15


Restricted Free Agents 2014


Unrestricted Free Agents 2014


Unsigned Draft Picks

Dejan Bodiroga (51st pick, 1995)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2015Kings (only if #1-10)Kings (only if #55-60)
2016Kings (only if 2015 1st Rnd Pick is conveyed to Chicago or if #1-10)-
2017Kings (only if 2015 or 2016 1st Rnd Pick is conveyed to Chicago or if #1-10)Kings
(Bucks have option to swap 2019 second round picks with Kings)

Trade Exceptions

TPE - Patrick Patterson - $620,794
TPE - Jason Terry - $596,297
TPE - Derrick Williams - $4,241,404
TPE - Jason Thompson - $6,037,500
TPE - Quincy Acy - $915,243
TPE - Marcus Smart - $694,400
TPE - Carl Landry - $936,080

Neuzugänge 2014/15


Abgänge 2014/15


Transactions Log

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New York Knicks

General Manager: Stoeyrock

Coach: Billy Donovan

Depth Chart

PG - DJ Augustin / Toure Murry / Russ Smith
SG - Marcus Smart / Xavier Henry
SF - Tim Hardaway jr / James Anderson
PF - Tristan Thompson / Jan Vesely / Khem Birch
C - Amare Stoudemire / Mitch McGary / Andrea Bargnani



Amar'e Stoudemire$23.410.988
Xavier Henry$1,063,384$1,145,685
Andrea Bargnani$11.500.000
Khem Birch $507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Tristan Thompson$5,138,430$6,777,589
DJ Augustin$3,000,000$3,000,000$3,000,000$3,000,000
Marcus Smart$2,497,800$2,610,200$2,722,600$3,457,702$4,636,778
Toure Murry$1,200,000$1,200,000
Tim Hardaway$1.250.640$1.304.520$2.281.605$3,335,707
Sergey Karasev$1,533,840$$1,599,840$2,463,754$3,513,313
James Anderson$981,084
Mitch McGary$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Isaiah Austin $507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
Jan Vesely$948,163[COLOR="#000FF"]$1,015,421[/COLOR]
Russ Smith$507,336[COLOR="#000FF"]$845,059[/COLOR]
Total Salaries$62.907.408$5.074.914$4.772.321$3.335.707$0$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader (Udonis Haslem, Michael Beasley, Marcus Thornton)

Cap Holds 2014/15

Toure Murry - $1,016,482
Cole Aldrich - $915,423
Earl Barron - $915,423
Mike Bibby - $915,423
Kenyon Martin - $915,423
Baron Davis - $915,423

Total Cap Holds - $28,051,999

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $95,999,
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $xx,xxx,xxx
Capspace: +/- $xx,xxx,xxx (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Cole Aldrich

Unsigned Draft Picks

Ahmad Nivins (56th Pick, 2009)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round
2015Knicks, PistonsRaports

Trade Exceptions


Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

Hier wird der Spielleiter nur notieren welche Salary Cap Exceptions schon genutzt wurden.

Neuzugänge 2014/15


Abgänge 2014/15


Transactions Log
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Philadelphia 76ers

General Manager: Dex989
Coach: Brett Brown

Depth Chart

PG: Carter-Williams / Barea / Nash
SG: Wroten / G. Harris / Williams
SF: Saric / Glenn-Robinson-III / C.J Fair
PF: Randle / McAddoo / Varnado
C: Noel /Sims / Mullens


- - -

1Michael Carter-Williams$2,300,040$2,399,040$3,183,526$4,358,247
2Tony Wroten$1,210,080$2,179,354$3,201,471
3Dario Saric$1,713,200$1,790,300$1,867,400$2,668,515$3,690,556
4Julius Randle$3,326,700$3,476,400$3,626,100$4,587,017$6,050,275
5Nerlens Noel$3,315,120$3,457,800$4,384,490$5,848,910
6Jose Juan Barea$4,519,500
7Gary Harris$1,998,200$2,088,100$2,178,000$2,776,950$3,782,206
9James McAddoo$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
10Henry Sims$915,243$1,181,348
11Steve Nash$9,701,000
12Elliot Williams$981,084$1,100,602$1,227,286
13C.J. Fair$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245$1,125,816
14Jarvis Varnado$915,243$981,348$1,050,961
15Byron Mullens$1,063,384
outArnett Moultrie*$1,136,160
outChase Budinger*$5,000,000$5,000,000
outLuc Mbah A Moute*$4,382,576
outCarlos Delfino*$3,250,000
Total Salaries$47,249,538$26,189,469$23,660,527$23,393,374$16,900,485$0
Team Option - Player Option - Qualifying Offer - Early Termination Option - Unguaranteed - * Spieler nicht im Kader

Cap Holds 2014/15

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $47,249,538
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: - $15,950,462

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Unsigned Draft Picks

Furkan Aldemir (53rd pick, 2012)
Arsalan Kazemi (54th pick, 2013)

Future Draft Picks

YearFirst RoundSecond Round

*Celtics (top 14 protected) 2013 - 2015 else 2015 and 2016 second Round Picks
**Magic (two years after 76ers convey first round pick to Heat from earlier trade, top 14 protected
protected top 14 in 2015-16, top 11 in 2017, top 8 in 2018, thereafter 2018 and 2019 second round picks
***more favorable of Nuggets and Timberwolves

Trade Exceptions

- - -

Status der Salary Cap Exceptions

- - -

Neuzugänge 2014/15

Steve Nash
Julius Randle
Gary Harris
C.J Fair
Carlos Delfino
Chase Budinger
Jose Juan Barea
Luc Mbah A Moute
Dario Saric
James McAdoo

Abgänge 2014/15

Jason Richardson
Thaddeus Young

Transactions Log

I) Traded Steve Nash to the Philadelphia 76ers for Cavaliers' 2014 2nd Round Pick and Rockets' 2014 2nd Round Pick.
II) Picked Julius Randle #4
III) Picked Gary Harris #10
IV) Used Team Option on Michael Carter-Williams
V) Used Team Option on Nerlens Noel
VI) Picked Glenn-Robinson-III #32
VII) Picked C.J. Fair #47
VIII) Picked Ondrej Balvin #52
IX) Traded Jason Richardson and the draft rights of Ondrej Balvin (#52 in 2014) to Milwaukee for Carlos Delfino
X) Signed Julis Randle
XI) Signed Gary Harris
XII) Signed Glenn-Robinson-III
XIII) Signed C.J Fair
XIV) Traded Thaddeus Young to the Minnesota Timberwolves for Chase Budinger, Jose Juan Barea, Luc Mbah A Moute, draft rights of Dario Saric, draft rights of James McAdoo and a 2015 2nd round pick (more favorable of Nuggets and Timberwolves).
XV) Signed Dario Saric
XVI) Signed James James McAdoo
XVII) Waived Arnett Moultrie
XVIII) Waived Chase Budinger
XIX) Waived Carlos Delfino
XX) Waived Luc Mbah A Moute
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Phoenix Suns

Anhang anzeigen 6961

General Manager: Schwoben

Coach: Jeff Hornacek

Depth Chart

PG - Eric Bledsoe / Shabazz Napier
SG - Victor Oladipo / Kevin Martin / Randy Foye / Archie Goodwin
SF - Doug McDermott / Gerald Green
PF - Ed Davis / Adreian Payne / Luis Scola / Shavlik Randolph
C - Miles Plumlee / Alex Len / Elton Brand

GM Notizen


Eric Bledsoe$11,500,00012,075,000$12,650,000$13,225,000$13,800,000
Kevin Martin$6,792,500$7,085,000$7,377,500
Ed Davis$6,000,000$6,270,000$6,540,000$6,810,000
Victor Oladipo$4,763,760$4,978,200$5,192,520$6,552,961$8,551,613
Alex Len$3,649,920$3,807,120$4,823,621$6,396,121
Gerald Green$3,500,000
Randy Foye$3,000,000$3,135,000
Elton Brand$3,000,000
Doug McDermott$1,627,600$1,700,900$1,774,100$2,627,442$3,654,772
Adreian Payne$1,325,600$1,385,300$1,444,900$2,222,256$3,153,381
Miles Plumlee$1,169,880$2,109,294$3,113,317
Shabazz Napier$1,166,700$1,219,200$1,271,700$2,025,818$2,919,204
Archie Goodwin$1,112,280$1,160,160$2,094,089$3,141,133
Shavlik Randolph$1,227,985
Luis Scola$4,868,499
Micheal Beasley*$2,333,333
Total Salary$55,678,017$40,205,174$41,290,930$38,963,477$19,300,000
Team Option, Player Option, Qualifying Offer, Unguaranteed

Cap Holds 2014/2015

Total cap holds: $0

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $55,678,017
NBA Salary Cap 2014/2015: 63,200,000
Difference: - $7,521,983 (+ over cap, - under cap)

Restricted Free Agents

Unrestricted Free Agents

Unsigned Draft Picks

Milos Vujanic (36th Pick, 2002)
Dwayne Collings (60th Pick, 2010)
Alex Oriakhi ((57th Pick, 2013)

Future Draft Picks

Year1st Round2nd Round
2015Suns (#??), Lakers (Top 5 protected), RaptorsSuns (#??)
2016Suns, Raptorstraded to Thunder (Top 45 protected)
2017Suns, Sixers (top11 protected, top8 protected in 2018, else Sixers' 2nd Round Picks 2018 and 2019), Nuggets (top5 protected in 2017 or two years after 1st Round Pick was conveyed to Cleveland, unprotected thereafter), Grizzlies (or two years after Grizzlies conveyed a 1st Round Pick to Cleveland, top 15-30 protected in 2017, top 8 protected in 2018 and 2019, unprotected thereafter) Suns, Magic

Trade Exceptions

Status der Trade Exceptions

Neuzugänge 2014/15
Doug McDermott
Adreian Payne
Shabazz Napier
Ed Davis

Abgänge 2014/15
Dionte Christmas
Channing Frye
Ish Smith

Transactions Log
29.04.2014 - Tendered qualifying offers to Eric Bledsoe and P.J. Tucker
04.05.2014 - Traded Pacers 2014 1st Round Pick, Suns 2014 2nd Round Pick and Suns 2016 2nd Round Pick (Top 45 protected) for Mavericks 2014 1st Round Pick
07.05.2014 - Exercised the fourth-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Miles Plumlee
07.05.2014 - Exercised the third-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Alex Len
07.05.2014 - Exercised the third-year team option for the 2015/16 season on Archie Goodwin
07.05.2014 - Picked Doug McDermott (#14), Adreian Payne (#18) and Shabazz Napier (#21)
16.05.2014 - Waived Ish Smith and Dionte Christmas
16.05.2014 - Signed their 2014 first round picks Doug McDermott, Adreian Payne and Shabazz Napier
21.05.2014 - Re-signed Eric Bledsoe to a 63,25 million $ contract over 5 years
28.05.2014 - Re-signed P.J. Tucker to a 27,5 million $ contract over 5 years
29.05.2014 - Signed Ed Davis to a 25,5 million $ contract over 4 years
17.06.2014 - Traded Goran Dragic to the Orlando Magic for Victor Oladipo, Luis Scola, Sixers' 2017 1st Round Pick (top11 protected, top8 protected in 2018, else Sixers' 2nd Round Picks 2018 and 2019) and Magic's 2017 2nd Round Pick (top40 protected, extinguished thereafter)
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Miami Heat


General Manager: Bobo23
Coach: Eric Spoelstra

Depth Chart:

PG - Mario Chalmers, Norris Cole
SG - Dwyane Wade, Ray Allen, Jordan Adams
SF - LeBron James, Rashard Lewis
PF - Shane Battier, Carl Landry,
C - Chris Bosh, Chris Andersen, Justin Hamilton, Moussa Diagne


Chris Bosh$20,590,000$22,112,500
LeBron James$20,590,000$22,112,500
Dwyane Wade$20,164,000$21,655,000
Mario Chalmers$7,000,000$6,500,000$6,000,000
Carl Landry$6,500,000$6,500,000$6,500,000
Ray Allen$3,000,000
Shane Battier$2,500,000
Chris Andersen$1,448,490
Norris Cole$2,038,206$3,036,927
Justin Hamilton$816,482$1,147,276
Jordan Adams$958,100$1,001,200$1,044,300$1,882,873
Rashard Lewis$915,243
Moussa Diagne$507,336$845,059$980,431$1,051,245
Total Salary$85,555,764$7,501,200

Early Termination Option
Player Option
Qualifying Offer

Cap Holds 2014/2015

James Jones - $2,850,000
Tony Douglas - $1,920,000
Michael Beasley - $915,243
Greg Oden - $915,243
Juwan Howard - $915,243

Total Cap Holds: $xxx

Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $xxx

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014

Michael Beasley
Toney Douglas
James Jones
Greg Oden

Future Draft Picks

Year1st Round2nd Round


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Anhang anzeigen 6962Atlanta Hawks

General Manager: Pepe
Coach: Mike Budenholzer

Depth Chart

PG: Jeff Teague / Shelvin Mack / Ramon Sessions
SG: Kyle Korver / Arron Afflalo
SF: Jeff Green / Harrison Barnes / K.J. McDaniels
PF: Al Horford / Mike Scott
C: Ömer Asik / Pero Antic / Ognjen Kuzmic




Al Horford
Ömer Asik$8,374,646N/AN/AN/A
Jeff Teague$8,000,000$8,000,000$8,000,000N/A
Kyle Korver$6,253,521$5,746,479$5,239,437N/A
Jeff Green$9,200,000$9,200,000N/AN/A
Harrison Barnes$3,049,920
Arron Afflalo$7,500,0007,500,000N/A
Pero Antic
K.J. McDaniels
Ramon Sessions
Ognjen Kuzmic$1,400,000
Shelvin Mack
Mike Scott
Total salaries$64,090,669

Team Option - Qualifying Offer - Unguaranteed - Player Option - *nicht mehr im Team

Cap Holds 2014/15


Total salary inc. cap holds, without options: $64,090,669
NBA Salary Cap 2014/15: $63,200,000
Difference: + $890,669

Restricted Free Agents 2014

Mike Scott

Unrestricted Free Agents 2014


Unsigned Draft Picks

Alain Digbeu (50th pick, 1997)
Sofoklis Schortsanitis (34th pick, 2003)
Cenk Akyol (59th pick, 2005)
Sergiy Gladyr (49th pick, 2009)
Jusuf Nurkic (25th Pick, 2014)

Future Draft Picks

Year1st Round
2nd Round
2015Hawks (Swap Option with Nets), Warriors (Top-5-Protected)Hawks, Jazz, Rockets
2017RocketsNets, Heat
2018HawksHawks, Rockets

Trade Exceptions


Status der Salary Cap Exceptions


Neuzugänge 2014/15

Ramon Sessions
Ömer Asik
Harrison Barnes
Ognjen Kuzmic
Jeff Green
Arron Afflalo

Abgänge 2014/15

Paul Millsap
DeMarre Carroll
Dennis Schröder
John Jenkins
Lou Williams

Transactions Log

- 29.04.2014: tendered qualifying offer to Shelvin Mack; tendered qualifying offer to Mike Scott

- 05.05.2014: traded DeMarre Carroll and Hawks' 2014 2nd Round Pick to the Golden State Warriors for Harrison Barnes, Ognjen Kuzmic and Warriors' 2015 1st Round Pick (top 5 protected)

- drafted K.J. McDaniels

- renounced their rights to Cartier Martin, Elton Brand, Gustavo Ayon

- 19.05.2014: traded Paul Millsap to the Houston Rockets for Ömer Asik, draft rights of Jusuf Nurkic, Rockets' 2017 1st Round Draft Pick, Rockets' 2015 2nd Round Draft Pick and Trail Blazers' 2018 2nd Round Draft Pick

- 22.05.2014: Jeff Green and Aaron Afflalo to the Atlanta Hawks for Lou Williams, John Jenkins, Dennis Schröder, draft rights of Lucas Nogueira, Hawks' 2017 1st-Round Pick (Top-5-Protected, else 2018 unprotected) and Hawks' 2017 2nd-Round Pick

- 02.06.2014: matched the 11 million $ offer sheet over three years that Shelvin Mack had signed with the Timberwolves

- 04.06.2014: signed Ramon Sessions to a 2.8 million $ contract over two years

- 05.06.2014: re-signed Mike Scott to a 3.8 million $ contract over three years
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