
  1. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Wow! This is a good result for Hirabayashi! Looks like the wind played a part in it though. I very much doubt Funaki can take 10 meters off Kasai and Ito in normal conditions, but you never know!
  2. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Im Moment ist Tochimoto leistungsmäßig die Nummer 3, Takeuchi Nummer 4...liegt aber nur daran, dass die anderen noch schlechter in Form sind..aber im Januar kann sich formmäßig noch viel verändern denke ich. Letztes Jahr waren Yumoto und Watase bei der Tournee ganz gut in Form. Beide sind davon...
  3. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Wobei bei Daiki nach dem Training Hoffnung auf eine Top 10 Platzierung bestand (aber okay ich will nicht maßlos sein!)...Nori hat sich gegenüber dem Training jedenfalls stark gesteigert. :up: Bin gespannt auf Garmisch. Die Schanze kam Tochimoto in den letzten beiden Jahren entgegen. Ich hoffe...
  4. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Danke natchan. ^-^ Sein Gesundheitszustand scheint sich verbessert zu haben so wie ich seinen letzten Eintrag verstanden habe und im letzten Wettbewerb liefen die Sprünge wieder einigermaßen passabel. Ich hoffe die Tournee läuft besser für ihn als die letzte!
  5. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    This nordic tournament will be the first time Fumihisa takes part in a ski flying! Last year he didn't participate in Planica (in the first competition he could have competed in qualifying) probably because it was decided that it would have been difficult for him after scoring no points in the...
  6. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Another step by Okabe to take part in the Top 30 competition in Planica this year. First Top 10 result of the year! As for the others....there is not much positve to say today...Nori is always capable of strong results, but besides the fact that he has not been the luckiest with the wind...
  7. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    I am curious about Yumoto's performance in Lahti this weekend! Last year Yumoto returned to the A-Team in Lahti (he had been replaced by Watase after Sapporo) and jumped consistently well in practice. Unfortunately the competition was cancelled due to the weather..Yumoto couldn't keep it up for...
  8. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Watanabe was consistent in these competitions with a decent 5th place the next day! Funaki and Higashi a bit too far behind, don't you think? Though there was not a lot of difference between Watanabe who finished 5th and Funaki who ended up 11th in the second competition.... Funaki has had a...
  9. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    I hope so, too! It would be nice if both Okabe and Tochimoto made it to the Top 30 before the last competition. Okabe's shape is great so things are looking very good for him...Shohhei has always been strong in practice this year (Vancouver and Sapporo too), but in the competition he struggled...
  10. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Shohhei is a very important part of the japanese team at a very young age. He has a lot of potential and has shown to be mentally very strong in important situations. You rarely see him reacting the way he did after his 2nd jump today. Clearly there was a lot of pressure. Shohhei was mentally up...
  11. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Sugoi!! Tochimoto-Okabe-Ito-Kasai! Alles wie vor 2 Jahren!!
  12. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Gute Leistungen von unseren Springern gestern..Kasai sogar einmal der weiteste und 3 konstante Sprünge. Tochimoto auch konstant gut wie immer im Training. Mit verkürztem Anlauf bekommt er im Wettkampf meistens Probleme - vor allem bei Rückenwind. Okabe war konstant, aber Yumoto hatte einen sehr...
  13. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Funaki is not among the jumpers who travelled to Europe (while Osanai is) so it is unlikely we will see him in World Cup until the end of the year. I agree that his performance in Sapporo was encouraging and if he starts dominating like Okabe did in the japanese national competitions he should...
  14. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    I agree with this completely. Yumoto's style is very hectic and there are too many jumps which go completely wrong such as the 1st round in Vancouver on sunday or the first ones in Garmisch (where he was very lucky with his opponent) and Bischofshofen..Tochimoto has also had jumps like this, but...
  15. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Hehehe right, though I'd like to have our jumpers in the positions of the Austrians... anyway we have many competitive jumpers who score points regularly (Kasai, Okabe, Watase, Ito, Yumoto) while two of our jumpers (Tochimoto and Takeuchi) were quite consistent last year, but have been a bit off...
  16. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Danke für den Artikel, You. Taku war letztes Jahr der beste japanische Springer, aber in dieser Saison hat ihm auch vor der 4-Schanzentournee schon die Konstanz gefehlt, die er 2007/2008 hatte. Aber...Taku zeigte sich stark verbessert in den ersten beiden Trainingssprüngen. :) Hoffe die...
  17. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    It is a very good result for Suzuki. If Sakuyama and Suzuki both end up Top 10 in WJC it will be good news, I think. In this case we could be competing for a medal in the team competition, but I don't really know how strong the other countries juniors are at this point.
  18. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    If we compare Watase today to Zakopane last year he has improved so much....right now he would probably be a part of our team for the team competition in Liberec, but a lot can change within the next month...
  19. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    I agree with this national group! The 6th jumper of those you mentioned could be is going to be so exciting to see Funaki back in World Cup after such a long time!! I think we may not see as many jumpers as last year going to Sapporo (because for many it could be too much travelling...
  20. D

    🇯🇵 An die Japanfans

    Okabe really deserves to return to the A-Team after Sapporo! He is in great shape and I'm expecting him to do very well as part of the national group in Sapporo and he could then be part of the team for Liberec as well..It is amazing that he and Kasai are the japanese jumpers scoring the best...